DG -7- Miss Right

Începe de la început

I slowly open my eyes and I saw-


"Why are you running?" He ask as he helps me to stand up and look at me to head to toe to check ifthere's something wrongs.

"Kookie ah chasing me~" I answered as I gasp for some air.

"Are you okay?" He ask when he saw me gasping for air.

"Ah. Uh. Yes. Definitely fine." I assured him that I was fine but not totally.

My Lungs are being KJ again. As always. When I'm having fun, they're being like this. Lacking for air.

"Aish... Jinjjaaaaa~" I sigh.

"Waeyo?" He asks.

"Nothing.." I shook my head. He smiled as I smiled back and we started to walk towards the cottagewhere Kookie ah sitting on the stair and relaxing his body on the next step of the stair.


♫♪♫ Yes you're my only girl ♫♪♫

They started to sing their song "Miss Right" in front of me.

"What's happening?" I ask dumbfounded.

♫♪♫ noneun naege chwego ♫♪♫

I started to sing along with them. Well, I love that song too! I mean, I love their songs!

♫♪♫ noye harurul algo shipo noye hansume dwego shipo ♫♪♫

I clap with my hands to along with the beat of the song.

I'm sitting on the sand while they are forming a half-circle in front of me as they sing their song.

♫♪♫ Yes You're my only girl ♫♪♫

Yeobo stand up from his seat and walking-while-dancing towards me, still singing.

♫♪♫ noneun naege chwego ♫♪♫

♫♪♫ yonghwa sogesana issul gotman gatdo gu saram ♫♪♫

He kneels on my front and he wink at me like he's seducing me. Then..

"Baro noya~" he sang the last part as the members cheered and whistle.

"Yah!!" I playfully slapped his arm, "What was that for?"

"Aaayie~ You're blushing~" Jhope Oppa teased as he tickles me.

"Yah! Oppaaaa~" I started to laugh 'cause of Hopie's tickles.

"Yah.. Hyung.. Stop.." Kookie.

"Let's go in now?" Jin Oppa asks.

"Leggo~" Yeobo's voice echoed as we enter the cottage.


"Noona, how many day were left?" Kookie asks me while he's eating his food.

"Aaahm... I think, 2 days.." I answered.

"Mwo?!! 2 days only?!" He asks in disbelief.

"Do you want to spend here your whole year?!" Jiminie Oppa.


Aish~ these kids.

They're asking then they were not going to believe what does Yeoboe says?!

"Eat first before you fight..." I scolded Jiminie and Kookie ah. "You two small..."

"What did you say, Kim Tae Hyung?!" Jiminie's voice get higher. But I know that he's just acting like he's mad or whatsoever.

"Yah!! You maknae line!! Stop that!!" Rap Monnie hyung scolded us.

"Stop fighting.." Yeobo's voice stops us from fighting.

"Do that after we ate..." Jin hyung says as he shook his head.

"You're acting like a toddler again..." Suga hyung shook his head as he referring to us-maknae line.

Tsk. This is it again. Hyungs are going to scold us again. Haaish. Jinjja.

•••T O B E C O N T I N U E D•••

4-6 chapters left.

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