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I take a deep breath as i look over myself in the full length mirror. Im sure that if it were any other day i would be happy with the way i looked but today i can only see flaws in myself. My boobs are too big, my legs are too short and my clothes are too cheap. I try my hardest not to be too negative but i dont want to look out of place in the fancy restaurant that Anthony was meeting me at. 

I come from a large hard working family, i had a happy childhood but i was always aware of the fact that we were working class. As the youngest of 5 girls i had become accustomed to being dressed in my sisters hand me downs but when i turned 15 it just wasnt good enough for me anymore. Something inside me just changed, i was no longer happy in hand me down clothes. I wanted to be dressed in the latest fashion and i made the fact known. I started to work in a small Italian place in order to buy the clothes i wanted to wear. The older i got the more expensive my taste became. When i was 16 i bought my first designer bag, i still remember seeing the judgement on my parents face when they heard i had spent 3 months of my salary on a bag. 

I had spent hours deciding on the perfect outfit for my first sugar daddy date, i had decided on a Purple body con dress and grey pumps. I look as good as i possibly can, i just hope its good enough. 

Im not ugly or at least i dont think i am and my personality doesn't totally suck so i should be more confident than i am. The nerves are taking control of me, i can feel my body shaking. I think i know that deep down i shouldn't be meeting a stranger and taking his money. I still cant believe that im going to go through with it. 

I walk with shaky legs out of the house and wait on the porch for my cab. I wonder if its too late to change my mind and cancel the date. My breath catches in my throat when i see my dad walking towards me, i had hoped no one would see me leaving today. Im not sure how i will explain why im so dressed up.

"you look lovely, where are you off to" he asks as he stops before me. 

"I have a date" it's only a half lie, there's no way I could tell my dad that I was meeting a stranger who hoped I would become my sugar daddy. He would be appalled, so he should be.

He runs his hand through his greying hair and smiles "well have fun, let me know if he tries anything. Me and your uncle John know how to Bury a body"

I roll my eyes, I don't doubt that my dad would run to my defence if I needed him. He's always been there for all us girls. I also believe that my uncle John is capable of hiding a body, he's the bad apple of the family. Or "misunderstood" as my gran always said.

"so Where's he taking you"

"some fancy place in the city" I shrug. I don't want to divulge too much information. The way I dress and the amount of money I spend makes my dad uncomfortable, I've heard him comment to my mom more than once that he wished he could give me the things I wanted. I never wanted my family to think that what I had been given wasn't enough but unfortunately my choices have hurt them. I never expected them to be able to drop a few hundred dollars on clothes they have a house and a family. I'm sure when I have financial responsibilities I won't be able to continue the way I am now.

That's one of the reasons why I work so hard  i want to be able support the lifestyle i want. I wont stop until i have my own fashion line !!!


The restaurant is as fancy as it looks online, im  more than a little intimidated. I look down at my outfit and start to panic. Im not sure im suitably dressed for somewhere as classy as this. I see Lara sat with a stocky black man who i assume is her sugar daddy Will, she winks at me as i pass her. I do feel a little better knowing shes near by if  i need her.

I don't feel confident but I fake it, I'm aware of every movement I make as I walk over to the table where Anthony is waiting for me. He gives me a warm smile and stands from his seat as I approach. He kisses both of my cheeks, I feel myself flush a little. Up close Anthony doesn't look at all like I had expected, the photos on his profile to be at least 10 years old. I knew this wasn't a good idea, I should have gone with my gut. Now I'm here I have to at least stay for lunch.

" would the lady like a drink" a waiter asks as I sit.

"we will have a bottle of cristal" Anthony answers.

The waiter lingers and looks at me, he looks uncomfortable. I have a feeling that I know what he's going to say.

"do you have ID" he finally asks, its clear that he's embarrassed that he's had to ask.

"actually could I have a sparkling water" i say before anymore attention is drawn to the fact that there's at least 25 years difference between us.

"ill have the same" Anthony says before the waiter leaves, he looks annoyed.

I take a moment to look over the man sat in front of me. He's a little overweight, and his hair is almost non existent. I know for a fact that the photos on his profile are definitely ancient. I don't mean to judge but I just dont feel like he would be someone I would enjoy spending time with. I look up and see him leering at me, its like he's imagining me in my underwear. I suddenly feel dirty. I want to leave, this just feels wrong. I look over at Lara who genuinely seems to be enjoying her dates company, i try to discreetly get er attention. We had agreed that if i sowed any signs of distress she would call my cell and give me an excuse to leave. Lara doesn't look at me once. "your photos don't do you any justice, your beautiful"

I smile politely back, I look around for another exit, I hope there's one near the toilets so I could skip the date without him knowing "thank you"

"now the pleasantries are out of the way let's discuss what we expect of each other "I can only nod, I have no idea what to say. I don't really know what I expected to happen but this wasn't it. I really thought it would be like a date. I knew I had been naïve.

"I'll pay $2000 a week, i expect I expect 1 date a week. If I require your company more that Once a week I will pay you an extra $1000 per date. I like what your wearing, I expect you to dress this way whenever your in my company" I'm taken aback by his tone, in a matter of a couple of minutes he's gone from being charming to arrogant.

"I hope your underwear is as pretty as your dress"

I shake my head , I can't have heard that correctly. I pull my cell off my lap and discreetly call Lara under the table but she ends the call. I wait for her to call me back, she doesn't. I turn and stare a her with my eyes wide. Lara smiles a me before turning her attention back to her date. What the hell.

"I've booked a room in the hotel across the street, so once we've eaten we'll see just how compatible we are"

"what, you expect me to have sex with you" this is not happening. I had already made my mind up when I l sat down but I can't seem to find the words to tell him that I'm not interested.

He gives me a long look before he let's out a laugh, "well I'm not paying a thousand dollars just to watch you eat" 

"I thought you just wanted companionship, plus i thought it was $500 per date" I sound so naive, I have been so stupid.

He laughs again, "oh yeah i forgot $5oo for you and $500 for your pimp over there" e says gesturing over to Lara.

Im in shock, i cant quite come to terms with what hes just said. Did he really just tell me that Lara whom i have known since kindergarten was posing as my pimp. Did she really just sign me up for the site so she could take a slice of the money.

" Men dont go on  those sites for friendship. If I wanted companionship I would take my secretary out for lunch. I'm offering you a good amount of money here, I'm sure you've opened your legs for less"

Before I can even think about what I was doing I stand from the table and walk away. How I manage to leave without slapping his face is a mystery. Lara follows me out on to the street and grabs my arm, i dont listen to a word she says as i thrust my fist in her face.

"You come near me again and the next punch will be to your fake tits"

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