Brick vs Dexter (Blossick)

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(Author POV)

Blossom continued to walk down the hallway while a very annoying but oddly funny Dexter followed after her. "Girl you know I can give you the world?" Blossom smiled and rolled her eyes, Dexter smiled at his success. "Your smile is like music to my eyes." Blossom stopped in front of her pink painted locker and opened it. "I don't know how my smile brings music to your eyes but knowing you it's probably true." She grabbed her books and locked her locker back. "Let me get those for you, a sweet girl like you doesn't deserve to hold such dreadful items." Dexter took Blossom books and headed towards her class.

"Okay how about this, on a scale to one to ten will you go out with me?." Blossom stopped in front of her desk and took her books from Dexter. Blossom tapped her chin and stared at the ceiling "On a scale of one to teeeennn, maybe a 5 or 6?" Dexter hugged Blossom and looked up at her with happy eyes, yes Blossom is taller which makes him even more adorable. "So you know how happy you made me mamasita?" Brick walked into the classroom and glared at Dexter.

"I can only imagine how happy you are right now." Blossom sat in her and is now looking up at him. "One day Blossom one day we will be together." The first period bell rang. " Oh snap! I gotta get to my poetry class. " Before leaving the classroom Dexter turned towards Blossom. " One day I will write a poem so beautiful that you will go weak in the knees." Dexter ran out the class. Blossom skilled and shook her head. He is actually through he skin.

"About time he left, I was tired of hearing his voice." Brick sat next to Blossom, Blossom smirked. "What?! His voice is sweet and his accent makes it even more adorable!" Brick rolled his eyes. " I get tired of him calling you my Blossom or mamasita. If I hear that one more time I'm going to punch him. " Brick raised his fist and punched the air. "Sounds like somebody is jealous." Brick scoffed "I'm not jealous! His voice is just to annoying!" Blossom laughed at Bricks defensiveness.

Bricks friends walked in the classroom and Brick quickly moved to his correct seat, he waved Blossom bye before being swept away. During the lesson Blossom would look back at Brick just to see is he was paying attention to what the teacher was saying. Usually he was pretending to pay attention, asleep, or staring at Blossom as she was watching the teacher.


Blossom and Dexter walked into the lunchroom and sat at a table. Dexter say across from Blossom and pulled out a piece of paper. "Do you want to hear the pickup line that I wrote for you?! I poured my heart out in this and I hope you like it!" Blossom nodded her head while taking a bite of her pizza. Dexter stood up and cleared his throat.

"You can call from the sky, you can call from a tree, but the best way to fall is for me." Blossom faces turned red , she looked down and took another bite of her pizza. Dexter lifted her face. "Roses are red, my face is too, but trust me it only happens when I'm around you." Blossom smiled, Dexter sat down close to her and grabbed her hand. "Your hand looks awfully heavy, let me hold it for you." Dexter leaned on closer. "Hey Blossom?" " Yes?" Blossom leaned on closer as well. "Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back."

Before Dexter can give the final blow and large hand grabbed him and slammed him to the floor. Blossom jumped back and gasped. "Dexter! Oh my god!" Brick stood over Dexter with an angry expression. " you need to stay the hell away from her! "Dexter got up and faces Brick, well...tired too. "What is your problem!?" Brick stepped closer to Dexter. " Stay away from her. "Said Brick through gritted teeth. Dexter tried to grab Blossoms hand but Brick pushed him away.

"You know what fuck you man!" Yelled Dexter pushing Brick back. Brick walked up and wrapped his ha d tightly around his neck. "Don't make me Brick you in you fucking mouth! I know so much shit about you." Dexter tried to pry away Bricks large hands. "What do you mean?" Brick pushed him to the ground. " Just what the fuck I said!" Brick grabbed Blossom wrist and pulled her through the forming crowd and out the lunchroom.

"Brick what the hell was that!?" Brick ran his fingers through hair and paced the floor. " Remember earlier today when you said I was jealous? I am, I hate the way he walks you to class everyday, I hate it when he calls you pet names, I hate everything he does!" Blossom stood still, still staring at Brick. "I just want us to be together and not you and that short bastard!" Blossom kissed Brick full on the lips, he gasped but kissed back.

" Why didn't you say anything? If you felt this way you should have told me." Brick sighed and smiled. "Being the popular guy of a school admitting he is jealous of some wanna be gangster is bad for my image." Blossom shook her head and kiss Bricks nose. " I don't care what people think about us. "Brick wrapped his arms around Blossom small waist. "But if were going to do this you NEED to apologize to Dexter wrote now!" Brick rolled his eyes and kissed Blossom again.

This story is dedicated to MizzLilWriter. Also I was think of turning this story into a Boomubbles book where Bubbles have to choose between Boomer or Bash. Does it sound good enough for a story?

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