Long Time No See(Butchercup)

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This is a request from PuffandRuff4ever and chicken_soup155 help you enjoy!

Third Person  POV

I walked into the large backyard of my old home excited to see my family again. I've been away at college and haven't seen my dad and sisters in months! We've only been able to Facetime in order to see each others faces. As much as it kills me to say this, I missed them.

"Buttercup!" My youngest sister Bubbles ran up to me engulfing me into a tight hug. I groaned at the rough impact, but still hugged her back. I wrapped my arms around her small waist enjoying the feeling of her presence after months. She broke the hug just to latch onto my arm like a child begging their parents for candy.

¨Buttercup I missed you so much! Things aren't the same without you here.¨ She said with a slight pout. I chuckled lightly patting the top of her head. Things aren't the same without you either Bubs.

¨I missed you too Bubs.¨ She pulled me over to where our older sister Blossom was standing in the yard. She had her usual high ponytail and bow. I smiled. She'll never change will she?

¨Blossom! Blossom look who's here!¨ Blossom looked over our way. From here I can see her mouth fall open when she looked at me. A big smirk came across her face when I stopped in front of her. We didn't say nor do anything, we have sibling rivalry thing that makes us wait to see who will break first. Blossom knows I'm to stubborn to break first. She sighed.

¨You were always good at these.¨ She wrapped her arms around my neck tightly. I hugged her back snuggling my face into her neck. I missed these two so much. As much as we used to fight before I moved out. I forced back my tears, if they see me cry they'll never let me live it down. NEVER!

¨I never loose Bloss, you should know that by now.¨ We broke our hug, but I can still smell her cherry perfume. She shook her head lightly. ¨Where's Dad? I haven't seen him yet.¨ I asked looking around the backyard for the familiar long white coat. I stopped once I saw him on the other side of the backyard talking to someone. They looked familiar, but I couldn't really tell who they were yet. Probably one of our Uncles.

¨Buttercup do you want something to drink?¨ Asked Bubbles. I nodded my head asking her to get me a grape pop. She ran off to the food table. Blossom looked at me then to where I was staring at.

¨Go talk to him. He's been waiting for you to come.¨ Said Blossom nudging me forward.

¨Who is that he's talking to?¨ I asked still staring in their direction, more like the dude my dad was talking to. He looked into my direction and I saw the familiar dark green orbs I haven't seen in so long. He looked away then right back at me. Our eyes stayed connected for a couple more seconds.

¨Here you go Buttercup!¨ Bubbles handed me my pop. I thanked her with a small shaky smile. I looked back over towards Butch. My high school best friend, and maybe even crush?

Butch was no longer talking with my dad. I only looked away for a second, where did he go?!

¨Long time no see.¨I jumped at the voice behind me. Butch stood there with his hands in his pocket smiling at me. My sisters were no where in sight. They ditched me! ¨Ya missed me?¨ I rolled my eyes playfully.

¨You wish. I didn't even think about you.¨ He pouted. I punched him in the arm to lighten his mood.

¨OUCH! Why do you always abuse me?!¨ Butch rubbed his sore arm. I shrugged my shoulders. ¨Does this mean you missed me?¨ He asked questioningly. I groaned rolling my eyes once again.

¨What are you going here? I didn't expect to see you.¨ I asked. He would of informed me if he was coming.

¨Your dad invited me to surprise you when you come.¨ Butch grabbed my pop taking a small sip. I snatched it back spilling a little bit in the grass.

¨Get your own!¨ I yelled. Butch pouted again. I may come off as annoyed by him, but secretly I love the attention I'm getting.  It's been a while since we've talked to each other. College kept both of us busy, and it doesn't help that we go to different ones.

¨I just realized that you didn't even give me a hug! I am hurt Buttercup!¨ Butch placed his hands on his hips. I looked at him through the corner of my eyes trying not to fall for his tricks.

¨I'm not hugging you Butch.¨ I said plainly. A devious smile came across his face.

¨You don't have to hug me back.¨ He wrapped his strong muscular arms around my small frame. I blushed because of the small squeak that left my mouth. He smells so good. I melted into his arms but refused to hug him back. He hugged me tighter snuggling his head into my neck. As every second pass it gets harder to resist him. ¨I missed you so much.¨ He whispered into my ear. I blushed again.

¨I missed you too.¨ I wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him back. It's been so long since we've held each other. He sighed into my neck.

¨Are we interrupting something?¨ Butch and I broke apart when we heard Blossom's voice. Her and Bubbles stood a couple feet away from us. ¨We'll come back later if you were having a moment.¨ She said smirking at me. I glared at her. My sisters were the only people I told about my crush on Butch. Bubbles stood behind Blossom holding back her laugh.

¨No Blossom you came at the right time. Perfect timing.¨ Buttercup said sarcastically breaking her and Butches hug. Her body immediately felt cold at the lost of contact.

¨Let's go get something to eat.¨ Butch pulled me away from Bubbles and Blossom, but not towards the food table. He pulled me towards my house. I looked behind me to make sure no one saw us go in. What is he doing?!

Butch pulled me into the house closing the back door behind us.

¨Butch what are you doing?!¨ He pulled me up the staircase into my old room. It looks exactly how I left it. Except cleaner. ¨Why did you bring me here?¨ Butterflies started to form in my stomach at the fact that me and Butch are alone. Together.

Butch pushed me down on the bed and climbed on top of my body. My eyes widened at his actions. I can feel his hot breath hit against my lips by how close he is. He stared into my eyes probably waiting for me to punch the crap out of him.

¨B-Butch?¨ I blinked my eyes a couple times to see if this was real. It was. He pressed his lips softly against mine. I kissed him back with equal force.

He pushed a strain of my hair behind my ear. ¨I like you.¨ The words repeated in my head over and over. Is he serious?

¨I liked you since prom.¨ He got off of me siting on the edge of the bed. I scoffed.

¨You liked me since prom? I liked you since freshman year!¨ He looked back at me surprised.

¨What?¨ He turned his body towards me. ¨You like me too?¨ Excitement filled his eyes. I rolled my eyes.

¨Duhh idiot! I thought it was pretty obvious, but I forgot your dumb.¨ I flicked his forehead trying my best to keep my excitement to a minimum. He sighed in relief.

"So what does this mean now?" He asked softly. I groaned loudly.

"That's so cheesy Butch. How about this?" I got off the bed and stood in front of Butch. He looked at me confused. I grabbed his hands.

"Your my boyfriend now." Is all I said. He shrugged his shoulders.

"Your my girlfriend now." I nodded my head.

"We're dating now."

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