I Was There(Boomubbles)

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Inspired by Angelwithfeelings
Please play the music.

(I Hope You Know That I Was There)

I held Boomer tight as he cried into my neck. " B-Bubbles why did they have to go away? Out of all the people in the world w-why them? " I rubbed Boomers back while shushing him. "It's okay Boomer, they are still here in your memories."

(I Thought You Were Fine...But You Weren't)

Boomer shot the winning goal for his team. I jumped up out of my seat and began to cheer and clap along with everyone else in the crowd. Boomer had a huge grin on his face. He looked at me and waved I laughed at his goofy smile and waved back.

(Why didn't you tell me?)

I walked up to Boomer the hallway but he walked away before I could even get a word out. I stood there confused but shook it off. 'It was nothing' I thought 'Maybe you needed to be alone'? But that was the exact opposite of what you needed.

(I Wouldn't Understand? I'm to selfish?)

"So your just going too leave me for the whole summer for a bug infested camp?!" I yelled. Boomer sighed and stopped packing his bag.

"I'm leaving because I want too try something new and I haven't been to camp before and I think it would be fun. Can you stop being selfish for one day and be happy for me?!"

(You Didn't Want Me Too Pity You?)

"I'm so sorry Boomer!" I wrapped my arms around his neck. He grabbed my arms and sat them to my side.

"I don't need it want your pity Bubbles! I can handle this situation just fine without it now, can you leave?!" I left his house and ran all the way home crying.

(Because We Never Spoke Anymore?)

You walked right past me on the hallway. It was like we didn't even know each other. It's like I don't know you. You haven't called or texted me in over a week! We don't even walk to school together anymore.

(I Was There To Comfort You...)

Boomer dropped to his knees and sobbed in front of the two gravestones. I gently layed the flowers on the gravestones and stood behind Boomer.

"B-Bubbles promise me y-you will never leave m-me."

" I will never leave you Boomer. " I sat next to him and he started to cry.

But you were the one who left me.

(Make You Happy...)

You had just broken the last thing your father have you before he died. You cried for three days straight and I was there the whole time. I even told my mom that I was spending the night over a friends to be with you. We stayed up all dag and watched our favorite movies and cried all night after we watched the Titanic.

"Bubbles what would I do without you?"

" You would probably be nothing. "Boomer chuckled and continued watching the movie.

(Give You Hope...)

"Ugh Bubbs what if I didn't get in and you did?! I can't be without you, your my bestfriend!" Boomer slumped on his bed.

"If they don't accept you Boomer then they are idiots. You are the smartest boy I know." Boomer smiled and hugged me tight.

(Even To Stand Up For You)

"Hey look at that JoJo joke signing up for soccer!" I turned around

"Boomer is a better soccer than any of you combined so don't you ever in your life underestimate him!!" They stared at me shocked and walked away.

"Thanks Bubbles"

(I Wish You Were Here To See Me Now)

I sat down by Boomers grave and placed flowers on them.

"It has been 2 years Boomer. I miss you so so much. All of our friends do t-to." I started to sob. "I got into Harvard, it was our d-dream school. I remember you said we were going to have our first drink when we both get accepted."

It started to pour down raining. I sighed and gently kissed the last picture Boomer and I took.

(Even Though Your Gone Now I Just Wanted You To Know That...I Was There)

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