A Heart For A Heart(Boomubbles)

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There is some disturbing shit in this chapter so be aware. Also I am a huge fan of BTS and I referenced one of there songs in this chapter. Also for those who have requested chapters and are waiting for part twos of chapters I am working on those.

Bubbles POV


My boyfriend Boomer and I have been together for three years. We moved in together, talked about having a family, even getting married. Some said it was too early but being in love changes everything.

It changes the way you feel, the way to think, and especially the way you act. Love can be dangerous when handled without care. And my love life was handled without care, he ignored the fragile sign written on my heart.

I never realized the signs until now.

Today is the day he screwed up, when his actions smacked me back to reality of the real world. A cruel world.


How could he be so stupid? How could I be so stupid?!

I watched Boomer lock lips with another woman. A beautiful woman. Long red hair, perfect figure, long legs. Everything I lack.

I came up to bring him lunch and what I'm seeing right now makes me want to loose mine. I can't move, I can't speak, I can only watch the love of my life lips sucking another woman's face off.

I can feel my heart break. My stomach twists. My brain is asking so many questions I don't know the answer to. My face has no expression. The pain I feel inside of me could never be guessed by anyone. Something inside of me twitches.

They break apart the kiss and stare into each other's eyes. He never looked at me like that. He brought her closer to him.

"I love you." He never held me like that.

"I love you more."

The grip the brown paper bag tighter in my hold. He hasn't treat me like that since the first year we got together. Now that I realize this I realized something else...he never said he loved me.

He pulls her back into another heated make-out session.

I slowly stepped away from the two. I feel no hint of sadness in me. Only pain and anger. He played me like a fool! And I fell for him like one.

I was so blinded my the idea of being in love. Love? What is Love? It's all fake love.

I ran back to my car and drove off.


Today's events is what led me to my decision. I didn't take me long to think about it, I just let my heart decide. It has spoken.

I'm sitting in the dark in my living room waiting for my lovely boyfriend to come home. He gets off a 8:15

9:30 Piece of shit

I grab my phone to send my sisters a message.

I love you guys💜

Luv you too Bubs

Gts damn

I shut off my phone tossing it somewhere behind me. I won't need it where I'm going.

Powerpuff Girls and Rowdyruff Boys||OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora