Queen Of The Wolves(Blossick)

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Italics is when the wolves are speaking, basically they speak through their minds where humans can't know what tell talking about and regular writing is when they are in there human form.

~With Brick~

Brick ran full speed towards his throne before he missed his meeting with the Head Alphas. 'Don't be late. Please don't be late.' Brick started to slow down when he entered the cave. There is 5 wolves sitting quiet but impatiently.

"Where is he?! The heir the the throne shall not be late!" Yelled head alpha Harriet

"He will be here alpha Harriet just be patient. He's still young you know?" Argued alpha Gregory

Brick stopped in front of all 5 alphas and bowed.

"I'm sorry for being late, over just I was playing with Butch and Boomer then lost track of time." Brick kept his head down while speaking to the most powerful wolves.

"You know what we told you about hanging out with those omegas sir Brick." Said alpha Harriet. Brick nodded his head

"Let's get back to business." Interrupted alpha Gregory You need a queen to rule beside you when you become king. " Brick sighed knowing that's the reason he was called.

"None of the she wolves you suggested were my type." Stated Brick

" Your father and mother were in an arranged marriage and we will do the same to you if we have to. " Bitterly stated alpha Harriet. Brick class dug into the dirt.

"Don't you ever speak of my parents again?! There were in love you knew it!" Brick ran out of the cave and though the forest. He stopped a few feet from a near by town. This is were he goes when his anger is out of control living amongst the humans brought him joy.

As Brick stepped out the forest he was no longer a wolf but a handsome young man.

"Wife" Brick scoffed "I don't need a wife to rule beside me. I can rule on my own! Stupid Harriet, my parent were happy together" Brick was looking at the ground furiously.

" Jeez what did the ground do to you? " A beautiful voice mad Brick stop in his tracks and turn around. A girl with long trick red hair was smiling at Brick.

"Um nothing I was just ranting and the ground seems to be the only thing that seems to be with me through thick and thin so." Brick laughed sheepishly and scratched the back of his neck. Blossom giggled.

'Wow she has a beautiful laugh

"There's no better person to rant to than a stranger right? By the way my name is Blossom" Said Blossom

" Well I'm about to be forced into this arranged marriage if I don't find me a wife. My name is Brick " Blossom frowned

"Is there anything I can do to help?"

Why does she have to be so nice? Maybe she could be my wife?! Wait...she's human.

"No not really" Brick stared at the ground again

"Well maybe you should tell them how you feel about the situation?" Offered Blossom . Brick shook his head

"They won't listen, they never do."

" Well then I'll be your wife! " Brick smiled up at Blossom sadly.

"You can't, your different from us. It can't be done. Plus we just meet and your parents might now agree" Blossom huffed

"You know me better than those other girls your supposed to be arranged with." Brick thought it over. It was crazy but it was worth the shot

" Okay but your probably going to freak out when you hear this. " Blossom crossed her arms over her chest

"Try me. I've seem some pretty weird stuff."

Brick grabbed Blossoms hands and dragged her deep into the forest.

" Brick where are we going?! " Brick stopped at an open field.

"I don't know why I doing this but for some reason I trust you a lot and I know for a fact your going to freak out." Brick motioned for Blossom to stand back

" Brick what are- OH MY LANTA! " Brick transformed into a big red wolf. Blossom stared at him with wide eyes.

Brick bowed his head down towards Blossom for her to pet it. Blossom cautiously rubbed the center of his huge head. She laughed when Bricks huge lounge slid across her face.

"Okay okay! Stop! Stop!" Said Blossom between laughs

Brick changes back into a human but still had a tail and ears. He looked adorable .

"You see, were different from each other. I'm a wolf and your a human. And if the alphas find out I showed you my form they will freak out." Said Brick walking circles

"There's a first time for everything Brick and I would love to be your wife. From now on you can call me 'Blossom Queen of the Wolves!'

lolcutiebearlol I hope you enjoyed this chapter and everyone else reading it!

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