At The Party (Butchercup)

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Buttercup was on her way to the state park. She had her lucky skate board with her and she would kill anybody who ever touched it. Buttercup was the best skater there. She did a bunch of tricks that no one could ever dream of doing.

Buttercup walked into the park and was the normal amount of people there. She got on her skate board and started doing tricks and flips. He sisters weren't into skate boarding so she never had anyone to show her skills to.

"Nice flip." Said someone behind Buttercup. She turned around and saw butch standing there with his skate board.

"What do you want butt face?" Asked Buttercup

"Nothing I was just watching you do tricks." Said Butch simply

Buttercup rolled her eyes and walked away with her skateboard. She couldn't really do anything to him since he wasn't doing anything illegal. Butch followed Buttercup.


Butch just shrugged his shoulders and Buttercup groaned loudly

"Show me what you got." Said Butch. Buttercup looked at him.


"I said show me what you got." Butch pointed to her skate board.

"Um sure." Said Buttercup

She walked over to one of the deep drops and rode down one. Buttercup used her speed to make her go faster and fly into the air. She did 5 front flips and a twist around. Buttercup rode the deep drop again and came back up and did 5 backflips in the air. She finally landed her skateboard on the ground.

Butch clapped at her and nodded his head.

"Not bad not bad at all. But now It's my turn." Butch went over to the deep drop and rode down. Like Buttercup he used his speed to go faster and fly into the air. He did a equal amount of tricks just like Buttercup did and landed on the ground. Buttercup was folding her arms smirking at Butch.

"Not bad." She said

"Thanks." He said back

Buttercup walked away but this time Buttercup came back to Butch.

"You want to do something fun?" Asked Buttercup

Butch smiled at Buttercup

"Since when will I turn down fun?" Asked Butch

Buttercup flew off into the air with Butch following after her. They landed on a cliff and there were a bunch of cars parked on it.

"What are we doing here?" Asked Butch

Buttercup walked over towards the edge of the cliff and they heard music. Butch looked down to see a bunch of teenagers dancing, drinking, and swimming in the water.

"Oh this is a high school party." Said Butch

"And we are going to crash it." Said Buttercup

Butch looked at Buttercup with a evil grin

"I like the way you think Buttercup." He said

Buttercup smiled a evil grin back at him.

"So you have any idea?" Asked Buttercup

They thought over for a minute until Butch spoke up.

"I got a idea. We go in it." Said Butch

Buttercup looked at him weirdly

"You mean... go inside the party." She said

"Yea there probably to drunk to even notice unless your to scared to go in." Said Butch in a mocking voice.

"NEVER!" Buttercup got up and headed down the cliff. Butch followed her. 

They slowly walked in the party hoping to not get caught. The boy walked up to them.

"H-Hey J-J-Johnny It's a-about time y-you make it." Said the boy towards Butch

"Uh yea I lost track of time." Said Butch

Buttercup was snickering under her breath and Butch glared at her. The drunk boy looked at her.

"H-Hey S-S-Sofia I d-didn't see y-you there." Said the boy


Another boy walked up to them.

"Hey guys were going to play spin the bottle want to come?" He asked

Butch and Buttercup looked at each other.

"Hell Yea!" Said Butch

They walked to the circle wear there was boys and girls waiting to play.

"Sofia you spin first." Said the drunk boy

Buttercup got up and spun the bottle. It landed on Butch! Buttercup eyes widened and so did Butch. Buttercup slowly got closer to him and they kissed.

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