Freshman Dance(Blossick)

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This story is for lolcutiebearlol who gave me a request. I hope you one it.😊😊😊

(Blossom POV)

I walked into the doors of the school smiling bright. My hair was in its usual ponytail and bow. I had on a pink dress with matching pink shoes. I was going to meet my two best friends Bubbles and Buttercup at our lockers.

"Hey Blossom." A random boy walked past me waving and of course I waved back


I opened my locker taking out my book for algebra. Bubbles and Buttercup still haven't arrived yet. What is taking those two so long? Th Here going to be late for class.

"Blossom hey how you doing?" I turned around to face Brick JoJo one of the hottest, baddest, and most popular boys in school. Who happens to be one of my best friend's. I reached to hug him

"Hey and I'm doing fine." I breathed in his cherry scent.

"So you ready to go to algebra?" I nodded !y head and we started walking down the hall.

I stopped and looked at the poster on the wall. I squealed and jumped up and down clapping my hands. The freshman dance is next Saturday. Brick stopped to look at the poster as well, His eyes lightened up. I wonder who he is planning on asking? Maybe Berserk I heard she had her eyes on him.

Brick and I walked into the classroom sitting in our seats. He turned to me with a nervous smile on his face.

"Blossom I was wonder-"

"Blossom!" Blaze walked into the room with a bright smile on his face. He is also one of the hottest and most popular boys in school. Blaze is one of the nicest people you can encounter but sometimes to move and he is a close friend. Brick nervous smile turned into a straight line.

"Hey Blaze." I got up to hug him. He had a scent that I couldn't get enough of. Just like Bricks.

"I got you something." He showed me a giant teddy bear with Blossom written on its butt. " Sorry that's the only place it would fit. "

"No problem it's cute." There was a note stuck to the side of the bear. I grabbed but the teacher took it from my hand

"No notes in class." She threw it away.

Blaze glared at the teacher and sat on the empty seat next to me. I looked between Brick who looked upset and Blaze who looked angry. Why is Brick so upset? Is it because we didn't get to finish our conversation?

The classroom door swung open. Everyone looked up to meet the hottest, most popular and surprisingly smart boy in school and as you should already know he is my best friend.

"Dexter why are you late to my class?" Asked the teacher

"One of my experiments blew up and it was a mess." Dexter sat down in the seat in front of me. He turned around smiling

"Hey Bloss you have to check out my new invention after school." Did I mention he has his own lab and a sister who won't stay out of it.

"Of course as long as you don't blow me up." We both snickered at my joke. Dexter turned around watching the teacher write something one the board.

When class was over I had to go back to my locker and get my books for literature. This times Bubbles and Buttercup were at there lockers.

"Blossom Boomer asked me to the dance!" Said Bubbles jumping into my arms. Buttercup walked over giving me a hug.

"Butch asked me to."

"Guys that so awesome!" I tried to hide my sadness as I heard about there dates on the way to class. How come no one asked me yet?

Bubbles, Buttercup,and I were trying to get pass the swarm of student in the hallway. I was trying to reach for Buttercup but I couldn't get pass the students. She pulled me into class when she saw me getting trampled by high school kids.

I walked into the class and sat in my seat by the door.

"I bet you 50 dollars she will go to the dance with me."

"Alright bet Blossom will go with anyway she is so gullible for love. "

"That fool Brick actually likes her he told me he wanted to go to the dance with her." They laughed to themselves.

Blaze and Dexter were sitting in there seats by the door talking about me. I wanted to say something but I could get it out. I felt the hot tears running down my face.

"You.Sick.Selfish.Bastards." They turned there heads to me. None of them said a words. Probably for the best. I ran out the classroom ignoring Bubbles and Buttercup calling for me.

I turned to corner and ran into someone. Brick

"Blossom what's wrong what happened?" There was worry in his eyes

"Dexter and Blaze." I pulled me closer to his chest shushing me. I was heartbroken and I felt betrayed. I never thought my closest friends would do that to me. I looked up at Brick who eyes were beet red.

"Brick will you go to the dance with me?" He looked down at me and all of the anger in his eyes went away. Now there was happiness.

"Ain't I'm supposed to ask you that?" There was humor in his voice which made me happier and hopeful.


"Blossom Wil you go to the dance with me." I nodded my head and kissed Brick full on the lips. I pulled away noticing what I just did.

"I'm so sor-" He cut me off with another kiss

"Shhh you talk to much." He kiss me again

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