I Object!!(Blossick)

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(Brick POV)

"Alright Brick you can do this, this is only the day that would determine your future with the girl you love no biggie." I was pacing back and forth in front of the church that Blossoms wedding is being held. My plan is to run in there and tell her how I feel and stop her from getting married to that brutal, abusive, cruel asshole she calls the love of her life. I started to like her in 5th grade, I loved her by 8th, then by high school I know I fell in love with her. I wanted to tell her but rejection held me back. Next thing you know she is getting married to the man that beats on her, yell at her, treats her like a slave. Every time I see him I just want to beat his face in the ground. Fucking Dexter.

I peeked through the window of the church. Blossom and Dexter were saying there vows holding hands like they are the perfect couple. I know what your saying 'Why aren't you in there' well fucking Dexter convinced Blossom to not give me an invite. I don't even know why but I think it's because I broke him arm that one time. Well...maybe that is the reason.

I watched as Blossom looked at Dexter with scared and uncertain eyes. Those who don't know her like I do would say she looks like the happiest woman on earth but there wrong. She is to scared to leave that man afraid he might hurt her even more. Me being her bestfriend she tells me everything.

I peeked through the window again, Butch locked eyes with me. I ducked below the window hoping he didn't know it was me. The door cracked open with dark green eyes staring at me. I stood up and scratches the back of my neck.

"Hey Butch how ya doin?" Butch closed the door and came over to me. " I'm doing good, quick question why are you looking through the door like a peeping tom?" Butch closed the door.

"I'm not invited to the wedding but I'm going to tell Blossom I love her. Think it's a bad idea?" Butch hugged me tight. " You go get your girl and if everything goes great I will buy you a cake. " Butch pulled from the hug. "If everything goes bad..."

" I'll buy you a beer" I shook my head and motioned for Butch to go back inside. "They should be saying I do soon so get ready." Butch left me outside.

"Is there anyone here who is opposed to this wedding?!" That my cue. I busted threw the church door.

"I OBJ-" I tripped on my shoe lace. Great. "Hold on a minute I gotta tie my shoe." Everyone was staring at me. Blossom is smiling at me. I got back up and started running towards the front.

"I OBJECT!!" Butch smacked his forehead. I grabbed Blossoms hand and looked into her beautiful pink eyes.

"Blossom I loved you since we were kids and I still love you. Everyone in here knows you don't love this man nor want to marry him."

"It's true! Everyone knows!" I have Buttercup a thumbs up. " Thank you B.C. " She returned it. "No problem"

I turned back to Blossom.

"I can treat you better than than he can. You deserve someone better than him and I will be the happiest man on earth if you would give me a chance." Dexter tried to swing at me but Blossom pushed him to the floor before his fist connected to my face.

"Hey Dexter...IT'S OVER!!" I swung Blossom around in circles. The kicked and laughed begging me to put her down. " Brick put me down!!" I sat Blossom in front of me and got on one knee. Her smiled shined brighter than the sun.

" Blossom will you do me the honor and marry me? " She jumped on top of me and kissed me all over the face.

"Yea Brick I will marry you."

Well folks I pretty sure you know what happened from there. Blossom and I got married and lived the best life ever with out 4 kids. Dexter went to jail for 2 years or abuse. You can say this is my happily ever after.~Brick

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