Dear Diary (Blossick)

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(Blossom POV)

"Blossom you've been checking him out for a week! Just go talk to him." Blossom looked away from the window towards her best friend. Bubbles laid sprawled out on her bed reading a pink sparkly book.

"Hey!" Blossom ran from her seat at the window snatching the book out of Bubbles hands. "Your not supposed to read my diary! There is personal stuff in here!"

"Are you talking about the page where your wrote about ripping or bow, or the page when you wrote about stalking your neighbor."

"SHHH! He might hear you!" Blossom looked out the window seeing her neighbor sitting on his back porch where he has been for an hour. Bubbles rolled her eyes.

"He can't hear me Bloss. He's not stalking us like your stalking him." Bubbles walked over to her best friend. "Just go say hi or something. What's the worse that could happen? He just moved in after all, welcome him to the neighborhood." Blossom nodded along anxiously as Bubbles spoke.

"Y-Yea! I can welcome him to the neighborhood. That way it won't look weird. Let's go welcome him now!" Bubbles shook her head.

"Sorry babe, I refuse to watch you embarrass yourself somehow. I'll watch through the window." Blossom pouted. But sadly she's right. Whether it's at school, the store, or even in the comfort of her own home, Blossom manages to embarrass herself.

They swore to never speak of the time she spilled glitter in her hair when scrapbooking, but they were always reminded by the remains that refused to wash out after many washes. There are plenty of embarrassing stories that Blossom has written in her diary. All of which were to never speak of again.

"But I need your moral support! Your my best friend, your supposed to be by my side at all times!" Blossom pleaded. Bubbles gave her an apologetic smile.

"No! Now go talk to him." Bubbles pulled Blossom out her room, down the stairs, and out the back door.

"No! Bubbles wait! I don't have any shoes!!" Blossom repeatedly knocked on the back door not noticing the figure walking closer to her. "Bubbles open the door my feet ar-"

"Hey, are you okay?" Blossom turned around slamming her back into the door. She stared at the boy on the other side of the gate separating their houses. He rested his arms on top of the gate leaning forward slightly. Blossom continued to stare at him wide eyed.

"Um...hello? Are you good?" He waved his hand. Blossom blinked a couple times after dealing she wants dreaming and that he got next door neighbor was standing a couple of feet away from her, and actually talking to her.

"I-I um......yes? My friend just locked me out 'cause she wante me to um....take out the trash." Blossom smiled awkwardly with her back stilled pressed rather harshly against her back door.

"Well you forgot the trash inside." Blossom mentally slapped herself. She didn't even have a bag of trash with her. Stupid stupid stupid!

"R-Right thats because I AM THE TRASH!"


Blossom fiddled with her fingers.

"You know how people call themselves trash, but never actually threw themselves away? Well I'm throwing myself away! 'C-Cause I'm t-trash?"

Blossom ignored the the loud thud from the other side of the door. She can only assume it's Bubbles hitting her head against the door after hearing what just came out of Blossom's mouth.

" have fun with that. I guess." With that the neighbor walked inside his house. Blossom sighed.

"Well that wen- AHH" Blossom fell back as the back door opened. She stumbled inside seeing a disappointed Bubbles.

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