I Choose You(PPGxRRB)

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This story is dedicated to Miraculous712 sorry for taking to long in updating your chapter. I have a lot of 8th grade stuff going on in school so please everyone bear with me.

(Normal POV With Blossom/Momoko)

Today is just another day of school for the PPG. Teacher, lunch, students the usual. The teacher being late for class is the only thing happening right about now.

"Momoko do you have an extra pencil for your dear sister?" Asked Kaoru. Momoko looked at her sister then gave her the pencil.

"One day I won't have an extra pencil for you then your gonna be outta luck." Said Momoko. Kaoru thanked Momoko and walked back to her seat.

"That's impossible, you wouldn't leave the house before your sure you have an extra pencil." Momoko turned around in her seat to face the one and only Brick JoJo. He had a small smile on his face, that smile that makes her heart do backflips.

"Bricky why are you talking to that piece of trash?" That is Berserk. President of the PPG fan club but enemy of Blossom leader of the PPG. She is sitting on Bricks lap playing with his hair and popping him way to loudly for Momoko's liking.

Brick looked at Momoko but she looked down at her desk.

(With Buttercup/Kaoru)

I'm on my phone watching YouTube waiting for our teacher to come, not like I'm rushing her.

"Hey Kaoru you know it's not aloud to watch those kind of videos in school right?" I turned off my phone and turned my head towards Brute.

She was sitting on Butch lap. We locked eyes for a second but I looked away. I tried to hide the blush on my face with my jacket.

"Aww is big bad Kaoru blushing." Brute looked between Kaoru and Butch. " you like Butch don't you?" She laughed. "To bad he's my boyfriend, he will never like a girl like you."

Butch looked at Brute then at the floor. Kaoru flipped her hood over her head then plugged headphones into her ears.

(With Bubbles/Miyako)

Miyako is drawing pretty flowers with her coloring pencils waiting for her teacher to come until someone grabbed her paper.

"Wow this is a pretty picture you drew." Brat examined Miyako's picture with fake interest. She showed Boomer the paper. " Isn't this a pretty drawing Boomer? " He grabbed the paper and smiled

"This picture is beautiful Miyako, you have a lot of talent." Miyako smiled at Boomer

"Well all good things don't last." Brat ripped up the picture. Miyako stared wide eyed at her now ripped up picture. Boomer sat up in his seat.

"Brat leave her alone." Said Boomer

She rolled her eyes and sat in her seat, which is Boomers lap.

"Okay class sorry I'm late my car broke down. Let's begin the lesson."


"You guys need to apologize to them. How you treated them was mean." Said Boomer

School is over and everyone is rushing home to enjoy there weekend.

"Why are you sticking up for those nerds?" Asked Brat

"Yeah you guys need to stay away from them! The way Kaoru was blushing it looks like she likes you Butchie." Said Brute. Butch rolled his eyes.

"We will just see about that. Miyako! Kaoru! Momoko! Come over here!" The girls turned around. They looked at each other and walked over.

"What do you guys want?" Asked Momoko

Brick looked at her and smiled. She saw it and looked down quickly.

"Well we wanted to know if you three liked us." Brick pointed to him and his brothers.

Brute, Brat, and Berserk glared at the boys. Miyako, Momoko, and Kaoru eyes widened.


"Do you guys want to go out with us?"

" Okay you know what choose. It's either us or them. " Said Berserk. The boys looked between both groups of girls.

"I choose you." They pointed to a shocked face Miyako, Kaoru, and Momoko.

" See we love you guys...ish, but we can't be with you. You are rude, and mean, and you think you are the best because your with the best. " Said Boomer. Brat slapped him across the face.

" You are not leaving me. " Bubbles slapped Brat across her face.

"I think he just did.

Brat, Brute, and Berserk stomped away angry. Brick looked at Momoko, but she didn't look down.

"You know this is the first time I got to look you in your eyes." Said Brick. Momoko blushed and smiled.

"Do you guys want to get something for eat because I am starving." Said Butch

" When aren't you starving? "Asked Kaoru

Butch rolled his eyes and grabbed her hand. She squeezed it.

They left the school hand in hand.

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