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Did anyone else see BTS perform Black Swan?! Amazing right!

Buttercup POV

"I miss you! The spring is taking to damn long!" I whined into my phone. I'm in my room sitting in a chair by my window. I watch the snow fly around in the air covering the sidewalk. Butch laughed on the other end of the line.

"The spring will come faster than you expect. Next thing you know I'll be bringing you into a big hug. I promise." Butch is my best friend since...forever. He moved away a couple weeks ago. We talk everyday on the phone but it's not the same as seeing him everyday. I miss him.

I grabbed the picture of me and Butch I had on my window.

We took this the day before he left. We each have to remember that day. I'll never forget it. I have a bunch of pictures of us around my room. They remind me of the fun times we had together.

"Buttercup you still there?" I say my phone down on my desk putting Butch on speaker phone.

"Yes I'm still here. I'm not going anywhere." I sat the picture down on my desk. "I wish we could meet up before the spring." I said. Butch sighed

"Yea me too, but something always have to come up! Either my flight get canceled or last minute plans." I can't even count the amount of time Butch and I tried to meet up. Every time we thought it was going right it never did. I sat back in my chair watching the snow flying in the wind.

The wind started to pick up. Snow is flying everywhere. I can barely see what's outside. It's like a blizzard. A long long blizzard.

"Buttercup I'll call you tomorrow I have to get dinner now." Butch and I said our goodbyes once again.
I look at the ceiling in my dark room. Once again I can't sleep. This happens often. I would stay up all night thinking about Butch. I wonder if he's up right now? I reach for my phone on the dresser.

What if he's sleeping? I shouldn't wake him up.

I listen to the wind blowing roughly outside. It's been snowing all day and most of the night. Spring is nowhere near. I have months to go before I can see him.

It's 2 o'clock in the morning and I still haven't slept a wink. I can't blame the loud whistle of the wind for keeping me up. It's actually calming. Watching the snow fly through the air is calming. I get up from my bed and sat in my chair by the window. More snow is covering the ground and cars outside.

I rest my head in my hands. How many more of these restless night before I can finally go to sleep? Do I really miss him that much? Does he even miss me?

I have months before that. When the spring comes.
Was it me? Or was it him?

I'm walking outside through the snow. The blizzard died down enough for me to go outside. I needed some fresh air. A lot has been on my mind.

Butch hasn't called me In a couple of days. He used to always call me before he went to dinner. I figured he is just really busy, but I seen pictures of him and his new friends on his Facebook.

He looks like he's having the time of his life, so I'm happy for him.

But I came to one conclusion.

I hate him. It hurts me how he moved on from our bond. It's like I didn't even exist, but that's cool. I just hope he knows that everyday I missed him, and every night I thought about him.

I still do miss him, but I'll forget his name sooner or later. It has to be my fault. Maybe I wasn't putting in enough effort in our friendship. He decided to give up and move on. It would make me feel better if he took the blame though.

I kick the snow as I walk. Just something to do while I enjoy the coldness. I'm no longer wishing for spring to come. Even if Butch and I don't talk anymore he is still coming back to visit his grandmother. It's going to be awkward when we see each other. I've been trying to forget about him. I hid all our pictures, blocked his social media, I even deleted his number.

I stop kicking the snow when I realize where I am. These are the train tracks Butch and I used to always play at. We would sometimes just watch the train ride past, and I would always have to stop Butch from trying to jump on the ladder. That idiot.

A small smile comes to my face. Whatever I try to do to forget will never work. I still miss him.
It's spring finally. I still haven't talked to Butch but I know he's coming soon. I unblocked is social media a couple months ago when I realized I could just forgot him. It makes me feel better to know how he's doing.

He posted on Facebook how he's coming to visit his grandma today. My heart picked up when I read it. What if he tried to come here? Or we end up seeing each other?

I know he forgot about me though, so I shouldn't have to worry about that. Over 5 months of no calling or texting. He's living his best life.

I'm sitting in my chair looking out the window. The snow is no longer here. I can see the grass the leaves are back on the trees the wind is no longer screaming at my window. This is what I've been waiting for for over five months not at the moment Siri I'm not ready for it.

I want to go back to the snowy days, I want to go back before everything. I wanted the spring to come back so bad during the winter because now in the spring I have no one to hope for.

"I need some fresh air."

I grab my chair leaving my room to go sit on the front porch. Since the snow is no longer here I don't have the desire to roam around anymore. Now I just sit on my front porch until the sun becomes to much for me.

"There's never a day when I don't see you in that chair." I stared at the black haired boy coming up my walk way. He looks the same but different. Taller? Tanner?

"It's my favorite chair, you should know that." I said still staring at him. He smiled.

"I never forgot." He sat on the step by my foot. We sat here quietly ignoring the huge elephant in the room.

"I missed you." I spoke up. He looked back at me.

"He never called, texted, note even a note! Why?!" He looked down. "I used to think about you all the time, wondering what I did to ruined our friendship!" I stood up from my chair abruptly

"It wasn't me who skewed us over! It was you! At some point I hated you. I wanted to forget about you." His eyes widened. I noticed that they were glossy. But I don't care, I'm going to tell him how much he hurts me.

"I then realized that I missed you too much to just simply forget about our memories together. I saw the pictures you posted with your new friends, your making new memories with them. I hope you didn't forget ours." He grabbed my hand.

"I'll never forget our memories together. They mean everything to me! I just thought you might of wanted some space. It's that the thing that girls want? Space?" I shake my head.

"That's the last thing we want. 9/10 when we say stuff we mean the opposite." Butch nodded his head.

"I missed you too by the way. Like a lot. My parents didn't like it out there so we're moving back." A huge smile spread across my face.

"Don't ever leave me again. If I have to go through that one more time your gonna die." I punched his arm. He rubbed the sore spot.

"I promise I won't only on one condition."

"What's that?"

"Come to the train tracks with me."

Powerpuff Girls and Rowdyruff Boys||Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن