Chapter 1

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Hello guys. Just to let any of you know that this story is not mine. I have been given permission to transfer this story to WattPad.

This story is originally made by: crown172 from website and told me that no one is to steal this story.

Thank You.



Chapter 1

Momoko's p.o.v.

The life that I lived in New Townsville is now completely over. Back then, the girls and I would always transform into the PowerPuff Girls Z to kick the villain's butt and save the town but now, its all gone. Somehow, the RowdyRuff Boys Z managed to became older, stronger, and much more powerful thanks to a potion that Mojo made for them but after they took it, they imprisoned Mojo in some kind of cage and put him in a dungeon right across from their mansion that they somehow built and use as an empire.

Yes, the RowdyRuff Boys Z are now the rulers of the world and now everyone must bow down to them and respect their rules or they face the consequences if anyone breaks their laws. You guys are probably wondering how they took over the world. Well you see, it goes like this: the girls and I were at the lab doing what we normally do when we heard from the Mayor that the RRBZ are destroying the city so we transformed and flew over to stop them. When we faced them, we were surprised that they have transformation outfits including belts and wristwatches. Somehow, they even got weapons as well. Brick had a chakram disc, Boomer had a baseball bat, and Butch had a flute. We thought we could easily defeat but we were wrong.

They managed to pummel us so badly and right after the final blow, we were knocked out unconscious but before they could kill us, the Professor shot a chemical beam at them in which they avoided it and flew away somewhere. We were taken to the lab where our injuries were tended but our belts were slightly broken and the Professor said that it'll take like a year or so to fix them. And not only that, we heard from the Mayor that the RRBZ broke inside his office and stole the key to the world which no one knows why it was there and now the RRBZ rule the entire world. He also told us that the Ruffs learned that we had secret identities and are planning to find us so they could figure out who we are.

We were shocked by what he said but slightly scared because if they know our secret identities, they could tell the whole entire world and we might put harm to our friends and families. The Professor had a plan to keep us safe. He told us that we should leave New Townsville for good and go somewhere thats far away from here so we won't be put in danger and make everyone believe that the PowerPuff Girls Z have been killed by the RowdyRuff Boys Z. Kaoru was furious and told him that she doesn't want to be a coward and run away but the Professor said it was the only way or else we could put our families in danger. Ken and Peach were sad and they were slightly crying but they tried to hold it in so they could stay strong for us. We all wept in tears and the Professor told us to go home and pack up since he bought us train tickets and that we leave tomorrow.

We gave him our belts and silently walked home with our heads looking down on the floor. The girls and I bid farewell to each other and when I went inside, I just went inside my room and bawled my eyes out on my pillow. I wiped away my tears and began packing up so I wouldn't forget. I took a look at the picture frame of me and my family, tears managed to form in my eyes but I wiped them away. I have to stay strong for them and find a way to protect them. After I finished packing, I laid down on my bed and let sleep took over me after being exhausted from packing.

When I woke up, got dressed, brushed my teeth, ate breakfast, and brushed my hair, I went to the train station and saw Miyako and Kaoru but the Professor, Ken, and Peach weren't here. We then heard an explosion and Ken and Peach were running at full speed toward us with our tickets. He told us to get on the train that could take us somewhere far away and quick because the RRBZ were here. We asked him where the Professor is but he told us that he can't explain anymore so he pushed us in the nearest train and right after the door closed, we saw another explosion and saw 3 figures in the smoke across from Ken.

The train rolled away and Miyako sat down and weeped while I comforted her. Kaoru was clenching her fists in anger and I could see the tears forming in her eyes but she quickly wiped them away before anyone could notice. I felt my tears rolling down my cheeks because this would probably be the last time we'll be seeing the Professor, Ken, and Peach and our families too. The RowdyRuff Boys Z would never get away with this. They'll pay for taking over the world and we'll find a way to defeat them and take our world back.

I'm Momoko Akatsutsumi, previously known as Blossom, and my friends, Miyako Gotokouji who was known as Bubbles, and Kaoru Matsubara who was known as Buttercup, and I are now in hiding somewhere far away from Japan.

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