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A/N: Don't start reading this chapter before reading the earlier one. It's important for you to link up to read this chapter or else you won't get the feels right. (Sorry for the huge updating gap)
From the chapter earlier....

"Taking advantage of being one of the closest people to him, I slipped out of my mind and decided to something regretful. I made the biggest-THE BIGGEST mistake of my life. The mistake which made my life so miserable" she explains.

Remembering the mistake, she stares at the windshield all upset.

"What did you do?"

Chapter 34

After a minute of silence, she speaks. "Used Harry to get Austin's attention" a tear rolls down her cheek.

"What?!" I gruff.

She looks at me with a miserable face. "One day, me and Harry went to his favourite place to hangout at. There's this small river and waterfall out of the city where he goes when he needs some space. He takes no one there but me" a small smile forms on her face remembering those days.

Listening that, my heart stops before dropping in my chest. He took me there.....HE TOOK ME THERE! Should I tell her? My heart has started running fast knowing that I'm the only girl whom Harry took to his favourite place other than his first love.

"There I asked him if he would like to go out with me on a date" she pulls her legs up on the seat to her chest.

"At first he just looked at me for a few seconds. I was literally sweating thinking of his reaction, was nervous as hell and almost regretted saying it. I was scared. I did not wanted him to get annoyed of it because he knew that I knew that he wasn't looking for a girlfriend at that time" she continues.

"After a few seconds, he spoke up. Unfortunately not something I wanted to hear. He said he doesn't wants to answer it already and needs some time to think upon things. I understood it and agreed upon it" "for a few days we didn't talk about it but after waiting for so long, one night I got my answer. Harry texted me that he'll pick me up for a dinner date that night. I was happy that it was finally working out as I wanted" she says with disappointment in her voice.

"More excited for Austin knowing that me and Harry went on a date" she says slowly, staring down.

"That date-Alena, it was arranged so beautifully that I don't have any words to express it. I still have the flowers he gave me that night, the gifts and the lovely memories" "We didn't really behave like we're together but after a few dates we did started moulding into it. While Harry was transforming into a boyfriend, I already started acting like his girlfriend to show Austin that we're together"

"At that point, I didn't calculate how the things were going to be if Harry gets serious with our relationship" I looked outside the window and bit her lower lip, regretting her decisions earlier.

"Being a spoiled brat of a filthy rich parents I didn't really care about other's emotions. Never thought about what's good or bad. I mean we were in freshman year, I wasn't mature enough to understand that what I was doing was extremely awful. Anyways, the results soon started showing up positive as Austin started sneaking up meets and talks with me. I knew it was working and I shamelessly was glad"

"After some time, Harry and me started spending a lot of time together which brought us more and more close. Despite of that, Harry never kissed me without my consent or even touched in that way being afraid of making me uncomfortable. He was taking it slow. Worked for me. It's not like I was with him forcefully for my sake but I for real started liking-loving his company a lot. I felt soothing being around him. I don't know what he has in himself which makes other people want him so bad" she says something I can finally relate to.

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