Chapter 7

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_______________Natalies P.O.V

I Kats just trying to cheer me up but this party was crazy, their were so many cute guys but none as cute as Austin, no one as funny either. We took so many pictures, a lot of them went on twitter. We jumped danced like crazy played truth or dare. Did some crazy stuff. But I was still sad but for the moment I was trying to have fun even though it was only a couple hours since our breakup I think we broke up at least.

"hey we should head back!" I yelled at Kat since the music was blasting hecka  

Loud. We were walking out and bumped into Austin. The least person I wanted to see.

"Natalie!" Austin said. Making me just angry for some reason.

"yes Austin?" i said just standing there.

"why are you at this party?" he said. Making me mad what do I have no right to go to a party? Is it because he thinks I'm over him already?

"why do I have no right to come to a party? Cause last time I checked I choose what I want to do?!" I said to his face straight up!

"well I didn't know you were gonna be here! Can I just explain what happened at olive garden?" he said.

"Mkay. Yeah why not?" I said very calm grabbing up his hand pulling him somewhere away from the music. We stopped walking and just stood there.

"look I'm sorry about what happened I was just sitting their and some girls came up and took you spot and said hi and I said hi back then nest thing i know her lips are on mine." he said looking at me.

"I understand what happened now and I wouldve listened, but at the mall when we made the build a bear you told me wait PROMISED me you wouldn't hurt me and when I saw you with the other girl I just couldn't believe it." I said starting to tear up. He rubbed my cheek wiping my tear away.

"I know I screwed up all I'm asking is for a second chance. Please Natalie. I LOVE you." he said. I hugged him and nodded. He kissed me and I kissed back. We walked back holding hands and they all just stood there talking.

"so you two are back together?" Robert said.

"yup" Austin said puting his arm around me.

I could see Kat wasn't very happy with it but as long as I was happy she was.

"are you guys gonna stay for the party?" Austin asked me.

"oh no idk my parents are gone and we were suppose to sleepover at your house but..." I said,"Hell broke loose." I mumbled hoping no one heard.

"well you could still sleepover?" Austin said making me smile.

"mkay yeah. We have to go pick up our stuff first." we walked over to my house and picked up me and Kay's stuff ten waited for Dave to come with car. He came finally then we drove to Austin's.

"Home sweet home!" austin yelled. We all got out of the car. We walked into his house and we just started sorting out were everyone was sleeping.

"okay Robert, Zach, Alex living room. Kat guest room. Dave your room. Their!" Austin said forgetting me.

"umm babe what about me?" I said looking at him.

"oh sorry your gonna have to stay in my room." Austin said winking, giving me the butterflies. I just smiled and said okay.

We sAt in the living room. We all changed into our pajamas. Austin and the guys wore basketball shorts with a t-shirt and me and Kat wore tank tops with cartoon shorts. We played some games made some keeks put some pics on instagram. Plate dumb games like charades and hide and seek. It was 1:34 and we decided to head to bed.

"okay everyone to there assigned places on the count of 3." Austin said making me laugh.

"1..... 2..... 3!" me and Austin said. We all ran to our places. I followed Austin to his room and just sat on his bed while he closed his door.

"so it just you and me, what do you want to do?" austin said climbing on top of me smiling.

"sleep." I closed my eyes and pretended to sleep turning side by side making him get off me.

"Well then." he said laying next me.

"JK!" I said jumping on top of him. Pushing my lips right on his! Full on hands making out! Then we pulled away and I just pretended to sleep again. I slept in his arms with my he's on his chest and he whispered to me.

"I love you, Natalie."

"I love you too." I said back falling asleep.

Forever and always? (Austin Mahone Fan Fic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora