Chapter 20

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  "Babe, come on. Loosen up! We're at a party, you don't wanna look like a complete buzzkill. I mean Austin we're young! So is the night, lets do this right!" Kylie said with a wink. I nodded. She made sense, we're young and so is the night. Why am I thinking about Natalie? She doesn't even care about 'us' anymore and neither do I. Kylie may be a bitch sometimes but she is truly a nice person at some points.    "Your right, Kylie. Sorry, come on. Lets do body shots!" I said. She grinned and I grabbed her arm and took her to the table. She grabbed my neck and whispered in my ear.  

"I love you, Austin." She said with a loving look in her eyes.  

"I love you……. Too." I said back and we continued our night. But to be honest it didn't feel right.


"TONIGHTTTTTT, WE ARE YOUNG!!!! SO LETS SET THIS WORLD ON FIREEEEE!!!! WE CAN BURN BRIGHTER!!!!!!  THAN THE SUN!!!!!!! OHHHHH. TONIGHTTTTT!!! WE ARE YOUNG!!!!!" We all screamed and sang as we walked down the sidewalk. I held hands with Stefan as he watched us all sing our asses off. He chuckled slightly and I nudged him.   

"Come on, Stefan. Don't be a buzzkill. You know you wanna sing." I said to him with my head on his shoulder as we continued to walk further in the neighborhood. "Pleaseeeeee!!!!!" I whined with a pouty face I knew he wouldn't be able to resist.

"Alright." He sighed and we all sang 'We Are Young' By Fun.

It fit perfectly with the mood tonight. We're young and we deserve fun. So does Stella. I mean if no one goes to your party thats a total let down. On the bright side, at least we came. I'm truly excited for the night. I'm here with friends and we're not letting anyone get to us. EFF YEAH!!!!

"Guys! Its McDonalds!!! Lets go get something to eat!" I said to all of them as they looked at each other then back to me. Then they all nodded.

"Alright..... Last one there is the rotten egg!" Stefan yelled and soon enough everyone took off. We all got there and guess who was last? Me. Stupid Stefan tripped me! Hahah oh my gosh. Stupid Stefan? They both start with an 'S'.

"Ugh! No fair! Stefan tripped me!" I said stomping inside like a two year old. I went up to the clerk and she smiled and me being in a bad mood made me accidentally scowl at her.

"Errr how may I help you?" She said and I looked at the menu and as I was about to order I felt a strong pair of arms slide around my waist. A hot breath on my neck too, which is the turn on. I mean geez. I shivered at the person behind me, obviously Stefan. 

"Uhh, can I have 10 cheese burger kids meals with all sodas and one vanilla milkshake!" I said with a smile trying to ignore Stefan.

"10?" Stefan said.

"Yeah. Why?" 

"Thats a lot, for your-"

"Seriously Stefan, its for all of us!" I said with a genuine smile at his... Well just sat him. 

"Thats a lot of money." He said and I frowned. I probably look like I'm a rich spoiled girl trying to buy my friends.

"No you don't. Its just you don't have too." He said. Shit. Did I say that out loud? I blushed a little.

"Its fine, Stefan, if you guys don't want it, I'll give it to someone else." I said back.

"Uhhh excuse me? That'll be 37.89" The girl said intererupting mine and Stefan's convo.

"Yeah, sorry." I handed her a 50 dollar bill and grabbed my receipt and all the cups plus my milkshake walked away from Stefan and waited on the stools. I gave everyone a cup and pulled out a little flask out of my purse. I shook it and everyone looked in awe. 

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