Chapter 21

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Austin's P.O.V.

Again, shopping with Kylie. I swear she buys stuff and throws it in her closet then never wears them. 

"Austin come on! Victoria Secret!!!" She squeaked and grabbed my hand. She pulled me into the store and I trudged in there.

"Come on, help me find something." She said with a wink and that was my queue. I got excited as she pulled me into the lingerie. She pulled me into the lace section, and soon I heard some giggling.

"Stefan, I'm not gonna wear that!" I heard a voice say. It sounded a lot like Natalie's if you ask me. Soon Kylie was pulling me towards to the noise and soon I saw Natalie looking at some lingerie with some guy from behind her holding her waist.

"Come on, for me?" I'm presuming the guy named Stefan said.

"Austin?" Natalie said as she saw me. I froze and she smiled. She came over to me hand and hand with Stefan and smiled.

"Oh my god! Austin! Its been forever!" She said and soon she regretted saying it. She said forever which was our thing. Forever and Always.

"Austin who's this?" Kylie said tugging on my arm.

"Kylie this is Natalie, my ex. And Natalie this is Kylie, my girlfriend." I said and she gave me a small smile.

"Well this is Stefan, my boyfriend." She said giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Nice to meet you." He said and brought out his hand for a handshake. I shook it.

"So how are the Mahomies?" Natalie said and I smiled.

"Great! My albums almost out." I said and she smiled.

"Nice!" She said.

"Babe, I'm getting tired, you wanna head back?" Natalie said.

"Alright. Let's go. It was nice meeting you guys." Stefan said and I forced a smile.

"Same." I replied.

"Wait. Did you guys wanna come to a little get together today?" Natalie replied and me and Kylie looked at each other.

"Sure!" Kylie said and I nodded.

"Alright! Here, give me your guys number and I'll text you?" Natalie said and she exchanged numbers with Kylie.

"And wear something nice. Like engagement nice. But good enough for a barbeque." Natalie said and she waved goodbye and she walked off with Stefan. Who could have been me. But I screwed up. Big time.

Natalie's P.O.V.

"I can't believe you did that." I said to Stefan as we were walking out to the car. We were talking about the most embarrasing thing either of us have ever done. Stefan apparantly got in trouble so his mom took away his phone and the only way his friends would let him use theirs was if he ran naked down a street in broad daylight.

"Hey, baby, you should know, I'm pretty confident in my body." He said with a cocky grin.

"Hahaha. Alright. What do you wanna do now?" I said as we approached his car. He had a nice car. Mustang, an old style, which made it even more valuable.

"I was wondering if you wanted to meet my sister and brother. I know they'd love to meet you. You could meet my mom too." He said, with the cutest innocent look in his eyes.

"Of course." I said and pecked his lips. We got in the car and buckled up. We drove off in a good comfortable silence. Stefan was amazing. He made me happy, even though today, Logan and Ms. Soon to be are getting engaged. Like ugh, ewww.

"We are here. I know, its not a big ass mansion, but my family isn't doing to well with money." He said sadly.

"No. Stefan, look at your house. It's amazing and homey, and well everything, I'd want my house to look like." I said. It was true. My house was even a house. It was a condo. All lonely, not full of love or life.

"Really?" He said with his eyes filled with hope.

"Yes. Stefan. Now lets go meet those kids." I said and got out of the car and so did he. He grabbed my hand and walked me to the front porch. His house was nice even though it was on the other part of the town. It was two stories too. He knocked the door and I could here little kids screaming and laughing. I heard some shuffling on the other side of the door. Soon to be opened by a woman who looked to be in her forties? She had a frown on her face, but after she saw me and Stefan her face brightened.

"Hello, I'm Ann. You must be Natalie, the girl my son is always talking about." She said.

"Mom!" Stefan said, trying to sound harsh. I chuckled and so did she.

"Well, yes. I am Natalie. It's nice to meet you." I said with my best smile. She nodded and said for us to come in. We all followed in and sat in the living room.

"Sorry, its a mess. These kids are crazy." She said and I noticed the mess. So many toys and stuff on the floor. Soon the kids came running in the room.

"Stefan!!!! We missed you!!!" The little girl said and jumped on Stefan and gave him a huge hug. He just chuckled and hugged her and soon

"I missed you guys too.... I guess." He shrugged and they shoved him playfully.

"Stefan! You know you missed us!" The little girl said with the brightest smile in the world. She was so cute! More like ADORABLE. The girl looked to be older than the little boy who looked about 5. He stood right in front of me with a curious look.

"Are you brothers girfriend?" He said to me and I nodded.

"Mhm. I'm Natalie. What's your name?" I said back.

"Danny, but call me Dash." He replied shyly. He was adorable too.

"Well Dash, I like your nickname. It makes you sound super fast!" I said and Dash looked at me happily.

"That's why!" He said and opened his arms and came up to me and hugged me. I chuckled and hugged him back.

"I'm Shylie!" A voice said making me look up and focus on the little girl standing in front of me.

"Hi Shylie!" I said and she looked at Dash in my arms.

"Dash, don't hog her." She said and shot him a dirty look.

"Its alright hun, Dash is fun to hold." I said back before Dash could say something and start a fight with his sister.

"Yup." Dash said popping the 'p'.

"Alright, babe, I think if we wanna make that bar-b-que we gotta get going." Stefan said picking up Dash off my lap and putting him on the floor. Dash just pouted. I chuckled and pinched his cheeks playfully.

"You and Shylie can come, Dash." I said and Stefan looked at me crazily and I chuckled.

"Right Stefan?" I said giving him a 'say yes or else' look.

"Fine." Stefan huffed and stomped to the door.

"Okay, is it alright, Ann?" I said looking at her and she nodded her head happily and eagerly. I could tell she wanted a break.

"Okay, come on kids." I said. I grabbed their hands and pulled them outside to the front door. We stood on the porch and Stefan was putting the carseats in the car. He had a nice SUV Caddilac. A great family car. We all buckled up and I could see the eagerness in the kids eyes to go.

"Alright, you guys have to promise not to be a ruckus, got it?" Stefan said giving them a stern look.

"But, you have fun okay?" I said and they nodded.

"Alrighty Stefan, leggo!" I said and we headed off.


hey!!! So I'm sorry i'm late, I've had writers block and it sucks balls! I hate it! So, here ya go!!! 30 votes for the next one!!!!!!!!

xoxo, Mrs. Mahone(;

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