Chapter 19

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-Chapter 19- 

Natalie's P.O.V.

Why? Why me? Out of all the people in the world I'm the one that gets slapped with a crap load of shit. 

I just barely managed to get through putting all my stuff away. I removed all of Logan's and his fiance's stuff and put them out in front of the door, so when he comes back to supposedly 'talk' to me I have to since his stuff is in the front. 

I decided to call Ashlee and Caroline, its been forever since i've seen them. I dialed Ashlee's phone number.

"Hey." I heard Ashlee's voice say and I smiled. I really missed her and Caroline.

"Hey, Ash its me Natalie." I said back worried. Does she still like me? I mean I said bye to her right? Next thing I know the line disconnects. What? I ran to my bed, and faceplanted in it and cried. Why? All i'm asking is why? What did I do? So many questions and no answers. I cried and cried. 

"Aghhhhh!!!!" I screamed into my pillow. I sobbed. I need to stop. Crying won't do me any good. I'm not some weak bitch. I'm gonna go do the one thing I love to do. 


___At the mall___

I got out of my Bugatti and walked into the mall like a princess with my head up. Everyone stared in awe as I came in with my red Converse, black ripped skinny jeans, white V-neck from Victoria Secret, and my new Louis Vuttion bag. 

Thats right bitches I'm back for good and no one is getting rid of me.

I continued to walk down the walkway to find some girls gossiping. Then they looked at me and soon one of the girls came up to me. 

"Hi, um I'm um Stella." She said bringing her hand out for a handshake. I just gave her hand a high five. 

"Natalie." I said back with a cheeky smile.

"Well I'm a junior and ya know the um seniors are..." She said playing with her hands.

"and the seniors are?" I said getting impatient. She seems realy sweet and all but I just wanna know.

"The seniors are throwing a party and so am I but no ones going to mine cause they're all going to he seniors and I just want someone to come to mine. I really don't know you but will you come to mine?" She said as quick as she could. 

"Okay. I'll go. Here's my phone number. Text me the deeds and I'll be there!" I said and her face just lit up. 

"Really?" She said and I just smiled and nodded.

"I'll bring some friends.. Maybe." I said back, she nodded eagerly and left to the exit of the mall. 

I looked back at the group of girls she came from. They all shot me dirty looks. Soon they all marched up to me trying to look intimidating. 

"So are you really going to Stella's party?" One of the girls said.

"Yup. What? Are you guys not?" I said back looking clueless.

"Pft, she's such a nerd. I mean come on? Her party over the seniors? Yeah right." Another girl said and all the other girls agreed.

"Okay well bye." I said and walked through their group as they made a walk way for me. 

I went into Forever 21 and I saw some guy with brown hair practically shoving his tongue down the girl. I mean come on? Your in Forever 21. Like wow. Get some class. I thought rolling m eyes.

"Excuse me?" The girl said still against the wall.

"What? Did I say the out loud? Shit. Well adios.." I said turning and walking out, "Slut." 

Forever and always? (Austin Mahone Fan Fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن