Chapter 16

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Austin's P.O.V.

Everything was so overwhelming, Natalie, Alex, Robert, and everyone else. I loved my life, I couldn't be any happier. We were now sitting at lunch after the big rally, or assembly? I don't know but who really cares, It was freaking amazing! We were all talking about how we should all do something afterschool. Soon I felt a pair of warm hands slide around my waist from the back. This person was obviously shorter than me, so I knew it was Natalie. I coul feel her move into tip toe position.

"Sooooo, what'd you think?" She whipered in my ear.

"I loved it!" I said turning around and holding her back.

"Yay! That was my plan, to make you love it, but if you didn't this would be sooo awkward."

"Hahah yeah it would, but I loved it so much! I can't believe you'd do this for me." She grabbed me into a hug and her head was on my chest looking up.

"I'd do anything for you." She said snuggling up on me.


Me and Natalie, turned our heads to Robert and he took a pic.

"This stuff be goin on Instagram!" He said pretending to wipe a tear from his face. I slapped his arm playfully. Then someone soon came and tapped Natalie on the shoulder, while she was talking to Sarah and Jackie.

I wonder who?

Natalie's P.O.V.

'You guys are so cute! Way better than the last girlfriend he had." Sarah said, making me feel cool for some reason. You would think because she was his ex I'd be jealous but the exact opposite.

I have him, not her.

"Haha thanks! You guys are cute too!" I said back to the both of them, Sarah and Jackie. Sarah and Alex were perfect, just like Zach and Jackie.

We talked a little more and then I felt someone tap my shoulder. I saw the look on Sarah and Jackie's face that the person was probably not usual? Maybe? I turned around and saw a guy about Austin's height, he had brown hair and blue greenish eyes, then a smile that was nice and a very nice structure too but not mine, so whateves.

"Hey, we're gonna head out." Jackie said tapping my shoulder. I turned her and gave her the What-the-fuck look. I mean go ahead leave me here with a stranger. They both just shrugged.

"Hi?" I said breaking the silence, both of us were both eyeing each other like one moment we'd pounce on eachother.

"Waddup?" He smirked.

"Okay.." I said giving him the what-the-hell look.

"Oh, I'm Aiden. Senior."

"Well, I'm Natalie. Freshman."

"Freshman?" He said surprised, everyone was. I nodded.

"Well damn you sure don't look like one." He said giving me a flirty smile. I rolled my eyes, I have a boyfriend. He obviously knew that since the big rally thing everyone was at. Unless they were ditching.

"I dont know it thats a compliment or an insult."

"Definetly compliment." He said giving me a reassuring nod.

"Okay cut the bull, what do you want?" I said back annoyed by him.

"What makes you think I want something? Can't I talk to a pretty lady?"

"You know I have a-"

"Boyfriend, Yeah. I know, Mr. Mahone. Lovely Mr. Mahone." He said exaggerating it all.

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