Untitled Part 22

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Happy Easter! :)

(Todoroki's POV)

We arrive at Midoriya's house in about fifteen minutes. She's fallen asleep on Kirishima's back. After digging around in Midoriya's backpack I find a small key and I open the door. We step inside the bland empty apartment.

"Wait, where are her parents?" Krishima questions.

"Her mom's dead and as far as I know her dad left." Bakugou states, making Kirishima gasp and me show him a surprised look.

"What happened!?" Krishima questions.

"I don't know." Bakugou says quietly. "I'm pretty sure my mom knows the whole story, but she never told me exactly what happened, just that Inko died."

"Why would she keep that a secret?" I question.

"I DONT KNOW ICYHOT!" Bakugou snaps.

"Okay chill bro." Kirishima says trying to calm him down. He then walks around and tries to find her bedroom. I follow him and open the bedroom door for him. "Thanks dude." He smiles and walks in. I look around it's boring just like the rest of the house. She still has a few boxes around for some reason. Maybe she didn't live here as a kid? Kirishima awkwardly places her on the bed.

"What do we do now?" He questions. We look at Bakugou.

"I DONT KNOW!" He yells.

"I guess we should try and take care of her it wouldn't be very manly if we just left her here." Kirishima sighs gently. I nod and Bakugou stomps off, sitting on the couch.

"Fine." He grumbles after a few seconds.

"Could someone make dinner?" Kirishima suggests. "I would but I can't cook." We look at Bakugou again.

He looks at each of us and shouts, "UGH! FINE!" He then stomps into the kitchen and loudly starts making food.

"He's interesting." Kirishima says tired.

"Indeed." I agree.

"So...." Kirishima says awkwardly. "What do we do?" He looks at Midoriya then at me. I shrug.

"Maybe we should take off her jacket she's probably been sweating a lot." I say. I then realize what I said and blush slightly and look away to the side.

"Okay..." Kirishima seems so uncomfortable right now.

"I'll do it, how about you wet a towel that we can cover her forehead with." He nods, relief clear on his face. I walk over to Midoriya she's sweating, red, and looks extremely uncomfortable. I take the blankets and put them to her side. I slide off her UA jacket and find somewhere to put it. She stops rolling around and looks a little bit more comfortable.

Kirishima comes back and places the towel on her forehead. Her face relaxes and she looks much better. We both sit in silence watching her adjust.

"Bro what's that?" Kirishima sounds worried but I don't know what he's talking about until he rolls her arm over to reveal scar covered flesh. I don't believe it. No, she can't be. I quickly stand up and walk over to her bathroom. I don't want to believe it. I open drawer after drawer I then check her bedrooms drawers. I then see them. Razors. Multiple, some stained in blood, others clean.

"Midoriya..." I say, I feel like crying. Why would she do this?

"No way!" Kirishima doesn't want to believe it either. "Bakubro! You should come here!" He calls.

A second later Bakugou stomps in, an angry scowl on his face. "Wha—." He cuts himself off when he sees the razors in the open drawer.

"WHAT THE FRICK IS GOING ON!?" Midoriya shifts around in her bed. "DEEEEKUUUUU!" She rolls over and faces us, opening her eyes slowly.

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