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I was trying to add a 2 min video of kirishima being cute but it wouldn't work sorry :(

(Deku's POV)

(Still the first day of school)

The bell rung and we were excused to lunch. I was excited to eat something finally, I was starving. I looked in my bag, but didn't find a lunch. Did I forget to pack one? I continued searching but couldn't find anything. Maybe I have some money? Nope. I sighed. "Shit..." I whispered. I rested my head in my hands, slightly pouting. I was about to just get up and leave so I could at least meet my friends for lunch. Maybe they would give me some food. I was rubbing my eyes a bit and I noticed someone standing in front of my desk. I looked up to see a guy with red spiky hair and sharp teeth looking at me.

"What's wrong? You look disappointed." He smiled warmly. He seemed really nice.

"Nothing, just forgot my lunch and don't have lunch money." I looked away.

"Oh really? That sucks." There was a few seconds of awkward silence. "You know what? Here, you can have some of my lunch money I brought extra anyway." I looked at his hand it had a few dollars in it. It was a few good inches from my face.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Ya!" His smile grew larger. He was super happy to help me out.

"Thank you so much." I said dumbfounded. I took the money from his hand. No one had ever done this sort of thing for me before.

"Yep!" He then walked away towards Kacchan. He didn't even know me and he was willing to give me enough money to buy myself food. Wow. I stood up and walked towards the cafeteria. I found Uraraka and Iida in the line for food and walked over to them. 

"Hello Midoriya. Nice to see you, but you should not cut lines it's very rude!" Iida made some weird hand movements.

"Sure..." I smiled slightly, at first this guy was annoying but know he's seems pretty funny. 

"Hey by the way I was wondering, who was that guy who came up to you earlier? He called you Deku right?" Uraraka interrogated, I nodded.

"His name's Bakugou Katsuki. We have been going to the same schools since elementary school."

"Oh really?" Her eyes widened slightly. "Why did he call you Deku?"

"It means useless." I scratched the back of my head nervously. "He really hates me." I laughed awkwardly.

"It sounds kinda like the Japanese word for 'you can do it'!" She jumped a bit and threw her arm in the air, her hand making a fist. "I like it."

"Really? Well I guess you can call me Deku if you want." I smiled, eyes closed.

"You know Deku you kinda scared me before, but your actually really nice." She smiled warmly.

Iida nodded. "It's true! You seemed very aloof and intimidating but your actually very kind!"

"You think so?" I looked down at my big red shoes and smiled. I stuffed my hands in my pockets. I'm rarely complemented like this.

"Ya, of course!" Uraraka said. 

We were silent the rest of the time while getting our food and finding a table. Soon Tsu?, I guess that was her name, joined us. And they were chatting and getting to know each other. They would ask me a few questions here or there.  Then Uraraka asked me something unexpected, "Hey Deku? I was wondering if this isn't rude or anything, you dont have to answer if you don't want to! But why do you dress in a guys uniform? I mean it doesn't seem like your trying to hide that your a girl or anything so..."

I hated when people asked me this question. Truthfully it was because of my father. He made me feel so uncomfortable with being a girl that I cut my hair and dressed like a guy. "I just like it better." I shrugged.

"Okay then." She smiled trying desperately to get rid of the uncomfortable feeling at the table.

"I'm gonna go use the bathroom." I got up and walked away. I walked out of the cafeteria and into the bathroom. I sat on the closed toilet and tried not to think of my father. Trying to call myself down. I started rocking back and forth curled up, my hands tangled in my messy green hair. 'It's okay. It's okay' I said in my head over and over. I breathed deep breaths, in and out. After a few minutes I left and joined the table group again.

(Best boy Kirishima's POV)

I walked over to Bakugou I didn't know him very well but he was very manly. I had become his friend pretty fast and he didn't seem to mind me much even though he called me 'shitty hair.' Plus my hairs not even that different from his!

"Hey why were you talking to Deku shitty hair?!" He asked me as I approached him.

"She didn't have any lunch money so I gave her half of mine." Pretty manly of me, I think.

"Why? That shitty nerd can go starve!" He grumbled.

"Ah Bakugou you don't mean that!" I smiled a bit, teasing him.

"Yes I do." My smile disappeared.

"Why do you hate her so much?"

"Because she's annoying and weak and useless."

'No she's not' I wanted to say. "Hey, is Deku her real name?"

"Why do you care?"

"I don't know just curious, I guess."


"Then what is it?"


"Why do you call her Deku?" 

"Why do you freaking care?"

"Okay jeez! Nevermind!"

I didn't mention her or anything but I couldn't stop thinking about Midoriya during lunch. For some reason she really intrigued me. I want to know more about her. I smiled at the though of her surprised face when I gave her my lunch money.

"Oi hair for brains what are you smiling about."

"Huh? Oh! Nothing."

Now I give you some Kirideku since no one commented about wanting/ not wanting Kirideku I am adding it to the story

So, sorry to the haters

I feel like this is turning into a dekubowl story *face palms* this is not want I had in mind. 😂

1016 words

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