14. constellations

Start from the beginning

I stopped in my tracks. Sure we worked together, and sure the whole restaurant thing happened but... I did not think that he would be asking me if I wanted to get food with him.


I blinked, then realizing we had made it to my car. "Uh sure. What were you thinking?" From the way that we smiled to himself, it was clear that my voice sounded hesitant.

"I could go for some A&W, you?"

"A&W sounds good. I'll meet you there?" I unlocked the car and open the front door. Once he gave me a nod and started towards his own car, I got into mine.

The good thing is that A&W was in the town over from where we lived, therefore meaning the chance we see someone we know is much slimmer. Bad thing is that it was about a forty minute drive there.

I waited for Cade to start driving before I pulled out behind him. What was I getting myself into?


"Why were you in Brooksdale tonight?" I looked up from the burger in my hands to Cade.

I had parked behind the building and walked to Cades car, seeing as it was more spacious then mine. Now the goal just not to drop mustard or ketchup on the shiny interior.

He was quiet for a minute while he finished chewing. "I actually met up with my cousin. I was just about to leave when everything happened. You?"

"I was supposed to meet up with a family friend but he had to cancel last minute."

It was silent as we ate. Did I ever tell you how much I love A&W? Because I love it a whole heck of a lot.


What? My eyebrows scrunched before I could stop them. "How do you know who Matt is?"

"Colin," of course, he's the reason for everything. "And he followed me on Instagram and you're in a lot of the pictures on his account."  Of course Matt followed him.

That boy was gonna unknowingly spread the secret.

"Yeah, Matt. He's one of the two friends I have who don't go to our school." I laughed seeing as it was funny that I was so closed into our small town. But apparently Cade took this as an opportunity to learn more about me.

He put down his drink and swiveled his body to face me more. "Only two people outside of our town?"

"Matt and Jack. But I haven't even had a proper conversation with Jack since like ninth grade." Jack had been my best friend at my old school. We had been friends when we were in preschool and stayed that way until I moved.

"Jack's a Rival?" What Cade meant by the question is, Jack goes to your old school. Aka our schools biggest rival. To say that I was bullied my first year here about my past schooling would be an understatement. It wasn't until Colin, Shan, and Leah told everyone off that people excepted me as their own.

I swallowed the last bite of my burger before answering. "Yeah, but last I talked to him he wasn't a complete jerk like the rest of them." or maybe he didn't seem like a jerk because I had been a jerk myself. "But who knows anyone."

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