Chapter 29. Morning Song -The Lumineers

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Dan's pov

I woke up with a horrendous headache and not much recollection of last night. After the gig we went for drinks and somehow I ended up back in the bus. Apparently I had fallen asleep on Woody, who had fallen asleep on Will. It must have looked odd but it was actually more comfortable then the beds in the place. I'll get the other blanks filled in later but I don't want to find out just yet. For now I want to sleep and that's exactly what I did.

Kyle's pov

I woke up the next morning in San Francisco and surprisingly, I had no hangover. Ari and I had gone to find some shops to get breakfast and coffee for everyone being the nice people we are. We found a 'mini-mart' as they're called in America and got milk, biscuits, cereal and some stuff for sandwiches. After that we got coffee and tea from Starbucks. It was a nightmare trying to carry 17 cups between the two of us but some how we managed it.

We got back to find only Ben awake on his laptop. Even Sam, the earliest bird of them all, was still asleep. I wanted to get cups of water to throw at them but Ari insisted that I stayed downstairs and make some toast whilst she gets them up.

Ari's pov

I woke up Alex, Josh D and Danny first. They got dressed and went down stairs. Next I woke up the others that where in their beds, they did the same. No speaking, just mumbles and grumbles. Sam didn't even bother to make a comment on the way I had dressed that day, Jeans and a Swiss Lips shirt

I walked into the back room to find Will, Woody and Dan all snuggled up together like they where before we left to get food. I felt bad for disturbing there sleep but they had to wake up sometime.

"Will" I shook his shoulder gently. He began to stir and rubbed his eyes.

"Mmhh wha time is it?" He asked through a yawn. Woody began to shuffle around too.

"It's nearly twelve" They made some noise that sounded like an 'Okay' and went into the corridor and downstairs to the others. Dan was still asleep and wrapped up in a blanket.

"Dan" I said pulling at the covers lightly. He tried to pull them back bit he was still half asleep. "Come on it's time for food"

"No sleep" He said barley moving his lips with his eyes still closed. I left the duvet and pulled on his arms so I was lifting him up slightly. "Fine I'm up. I'm up" He threw a blanket over me and walked down stairs to the rest of them. Considering they only slept in here, they had managed to make a mess the whole room up.

"Hey Ari" Josh called up. "You comin daan f some breakfast" He said in his thick Yorkshire accent.

"I'll be down in a minute" I replied as I began to pick up the blankets and clothes strewn across the floor.

Will's pov

Kyle was attempting to make to toast. I say atempting but really he was failling. It tasted like charcoal and looked like someithing he'd picked up from the side of the road. At least the coffee was nice though.

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