Chapter 5. Miracle -Paramore

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Ariana's p.o.v

I opened my eyes to find a lot of colours blurred. I couldn't make anything out. And that noise. It was starting to irritate me. It started to be less blurry. Blackness seeped in through the windows and surrounded me. I slowly sat up and everything became clear.

"What happened?" asked Nicole. I looked down to find her sat on the floor leaned up against the sofa with my macbook resting neatly on the table with about 20 tabs open.

"I was going to ask you the same thing" I laughed but was interrupted by a knock at the door. Nicole placed her plate on the floor. "I'll get it" I said hauling myself up.

I padded over to the door and opened it to find a man only a slight bit taller than my self. "Do you mind turning your music down?" he asked politely I just stood their shocked. I think I was still in the tardis. 

What are you doing you blithering bafoon. Don't just stand there. I did as Helena told me, squeal and run straight to my room. I dived under my bed and pulled my rabbit (a stuffed animal my mother got me when I was five) and cuddled her. I don't know why but whenever something happened I told Emily. I called her Emily after my grandmother, she died the day after I was given her so I named her Emily so I could tell everything you would tell your grandparents. 

Nicole's p.o.v

That was odd. I only saw a flash of Ari before she dived into her room. I've never seen her move so fast. I made my way over to the door when I saw him. I don't blame her for running away. Woody was one of her four favourite people in the whole world. And here he was, on our doorstep.

"Is she okay?" He asked looking in the direction she went in.

"No not really" I replied. I wish I didn't though. He looked troubled as if trying to figure out what to do. "I mean she's fine apart from she just opened the door to a member of her favourite band and she's awkward and stuff" I said trying to back track out of the deep hole I was digging.

"Okay could you just turn your music down a bit please, Dan's going mad." He laughed looking sheepishly at the ground.

"Yeah sorry" I said and he left mumbling thanks with a grin on his face. I closed the door as gently as possible, walked over to the radio and switched it to Take Of Your Colours by You Me At Six and turned it down so it was really just background noise.

Woody's p.o.v

I walked back over to Dan's apartment. "Thanks" Dan said removing his pillow from his head and placing it behind him before slouching back down into his regular position.

"What are you smiling about?" asked Will.

"I think I've found Miss Smith" I said smugly.

Dan chuckled."yeah she lives on bannaman road with Luke and Mr Smith".

"Not that Miss Smith It's the one who was in the shop about an hour ago" Kyle said. Dan blushed lightly as he said this. "I think Dan should go and meet his neighbours" I said pulling him up and pushing him out of the door and locking it behind him.

Dan's p.o.v

I banged on the door but they wouldn't let me back in. I huffed and shuffled over to her door. Well, whats the worst that can happen? I was stood outside 'Miss Smith' and her friend's door hoping that they wouldn't answer. Despite telling myself to run, I braced myself and knock on the door.

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