Chapter 17. Big Bad World -Kodaline

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Ari's p.o.v

I had to tell him my story now. But where to start? Flaws began playing. Saved by the bell you could say. The caller ID came up as Alex, I hadn't spoken to him in a while. I looked at Dan who nodded his head letting me know it was okay to answer the call.

"Hello Smith speaking" I said, when I was adopted I took Alex's surname so we called each other smith. There was no reply just heavy breathing. "Alex are you okay?" I asked getting worried.

"I'm coming for you Williams" said a deep grumpy voice and hung up. He called me Williams, only one person has ever called me by my mum's maiden name.

I leaped up from the bed and got my macbook from my bag. Opening a new tab I went straight onto  BBC news. The first headline that came up was 'Man escapes from prison' the article was published three hours ago meaning they could be any where. The article continued

Sentenced to life imprisonment after murder, rape and grooming in the Sheffield area, Isaac Haines escaped from prison during a transfer from a free lance centre in Manchester to a high security base in Bristol. Last seen heading towards London, citizens are advised to stay indoors and IMMEDIATELY contact the police if sighted. 

Without thinking I grabbed my rucksack from the top of my wardrobe and stuffed a few tops and jumpers into it. I wouldn't have long until he found where I was so the bigger head start I had the better. 

"Ari, whats wrong? What are you doing?" Dan said bringing my attention to him.

I was still packing when I replied "I have to leave now."

"What? Why?" He asked. Why does he need to ask so many questions. 

"Laptop" I said. He got up and read the article. I ran into the living room to see Nicole spreed across the settee. "Nicole, Isaac's found me. We need to go now" I said. After a second, she sprang into life and  rushed into her room.

I grabbed a pair of leggings and a top and took of my dress, forgetting Dan was in the room. He coughed awkwardly and usually I would be embarrassed but I had bigger problems on my mind.

I was ready to go but then I realized, I have no where to go. The last train was at eleven and I only knew Dan but he lived too close. At this moment, I collapsed to my knees. I felt two arms wrap around me and hug me tightly.  

"Shhh. It's going to be okay" Dan whispered in my ear. I removed myself from the safety of his arms and wiped my eyes. 

"I've got no where to go. He could be outside now." I said barley audible. Dan looked at me with a sad expression.

"We can go to my parent's house, my sister will be there but it's better than nothing right?" He said. I would argue but at this moment in time it was the best option. nodding my head, he took my hand and lead me into his apartment. 

Whilst Dan was packing his bag I told Nicole what was happening. She said she would stop at a colleges and would sort out work. I saved a memo on my memory card with Nicole, Dan and Alex's number on them and took my sim card and broke it in four. That way he couldn't track me.

 Dan drove to his parents' house across town. The journey was slow and painful. Every gust of wind made me more on edge. There wasn't another person insight. It was strange to say it was a Saturday night and there were no drunken teens hanging on street corners.

"There's a spare room or you can stay with me if you want?" Dan asked pulling up on the side of a street. I nodded not really paying attention to him but a shadow lurking behind a bin. After a few seconds of watching the spot, a cat sleeked out and into an alley way. 

Dan lead me up some stone steps to a detached house with bay windows. From what I could see it was really posh. some lights were on upstairs and sat at one of the windows was a girl not much younger than myself. She disappeared from the window after looking down into the garden.

A few moments later she appeared at the door hugging Dan. I thought Dan's sister was older than him.

"Hey what are you doing here so late?" she asked looking up towards me.

"Can we stay here for a bit?" he asked letting go of the girl. She walked into a side hall and out of view. "That was Lucy my niece" He said taking my hand and pulling me inside. 

ticket stubs and your diaries -BastilleHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin