Chapter 23. Some Nights -Fun.

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Dan's P.O.V

Something was moving in the darkness but I was unsure of what. It looked human but had three extra shapes surrounding it. I rubbed my eyes and blinked trying to adjust to the light. Ari had disappeared from my side, so that's who it was.

I got my phone from the floor and unlocked it to illuminate the shadow. Ari lay curled in a ball with two cats and a dog. Where did they come from? I slipped out from under the covers and crawled on the floor. Don't ask why I crawled, I just did. I shook her gently but she wouldn't wake. "Ari" I said still shaking her "Ari" I said a little louder but she just slept. I listened to her breathe but not creepily, just to check she was alive. She was.

The Cats had woken up now and had scattered under the wardrobe with the dog trying to follow. So far it had managed to fit its front paws and nose under. Ari shuffled slightly so she was on her side instead of her front and was clutching Emily, the rabbit she had fought off of Sophie after she tried to steel it. Her shirt had scrunched up at the side so some of her stomach was visible. She had two circular scars and a line of stitches just above her prominent hip bone.

I picked her up trying not to wake her. She felt cold as ice like she had been outside so I wrapped her in a quilt and enveloped her to try and warm her.

Ari's p.o.v

I couldn't sleep so I decided to go for a walk. I left Dan asleep and shut the door gently behind me.

"I'm alone" I whispered aloud and giggled to my self. It had been a while since I had been truly left alone.

I rushed down the corridor in just pajama shorts, a tshirt and socks. I felt like I was five years old again. Running around in the middle of the night, exploring the castle.


a/n sorry it's so short but i haven't had any wifi for two weeks and when i did write my computer broke and i lost a load of pics and stories and stuff so i am really sorry  

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