Chapter 27. Safe And Sound -Taylor Swift ft. The Civil Wars

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Dan's pov

It was almost time for the doors to open. To Kill A King where on first, then Bad Wolf and then us. I wasn't too worried about performing as we had toured America before but I wasn't sure how many people would turn up.

Sam kept bugging Ari telling her she's bad at guitar until she was in tears. I heard her last night get off the tour bus and go outside so I decided to follow her. She was sat at the end of the pier singing her heart out. I recognized a few of the songs from earlier that day but there was one song that stuck out more than the others.

(a/n the bits in bold are the important bits)

If the men in white coats are coming

I know you'll still be there for me

To chase down the wolves around us

I keep the memories inside my mind

To show me how to leave the darkness

You will take me home one day, believe me

And I was so scared I could not see the light

I didn't want to be alone

But you just stand there, watch them hold me down

I need to know that you're around

I made a mental note to ask her about that song. She said she'd show me her demos but she was always practising. I think she's started to listen to Sam but he's wrong and it makes me angry that I can't show her how amazing she is and how the rest of the world sees her.

I sat and listen to her for a while longer before she started to get up. I ran back to the bus and got in my bunk. I closed the curtain but left it open a fraction so I could see she got in.

I waited. And waited. And waited.

It must have been half an hour since I came in and she still wasn't back.

"Five more minutes and then I'm getting Kyle up" I said to myself. I felt silly saying it out loud.

The five minutes passed slower than expected but it was now midnight and she was out alone and anything could have happened.

"Kyle" I whispered shaking him lightly.

"Mmhh Wha-?"

"Ari's missing"

Kyle's pov

Me and Dan were currently walking around California looking for Ari. Ralph and Ben were awake at the bus in case she came back. I was sure Dan was dreaming but she wasn't in her bunk and she could be hurt. I don't know why Dan was so worried though. She was an (almost) adult and was mature enough to look after herself. We had tried to call her but it went straight to answer phone.

"Ari" We whisper-shouted over the silence. We decided to split up and call each other if we found her. I went towards the beach and Dan towards the town. I have to admit I was a little scared to be on my own, especially near the sea.

I must have been walking and still no sign of her. My phone began to ring and 'Dan' Flashed up on the screen.

"I've found her" Dan said. I sighed in relief. "She's fine just asleep" He laughed. I swear she's always sleeping.

"Okay I'll meet you back at the bus" I said and hung up.

Dan's pov

I had found Ari curled up under a tree. I'll ask her about it in the morning. For now I picked her up on my back so I could take her back. I let Ralph, Ben and Kyle know she was okay.

I got back to the bus and put her down in one of the living areas so I didn't disturb anyone upstairs. The time read 2:30 am so I grab some pillows and a duvet of my bunk, Emily (Ari's rabbit teddy) and tucked and wrapped us up. I fell to sleep easily knowing everyone was safe and sound.

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