Chapter 28. How Do You Feel Today -Gabrielle Aplin

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Ari's pov

Today was opening night. Needless to say I was 'bricking it' as Alex would say. In other words I was so scared that I didn't know what to do with myself. Both Dan and Alex had tried to make me eat today but I couldn't, knowing that I would bring it all back up. Sam had been on the phone for most of the morning meaning he hadn't tormented me this morning.

We were walking towards the venue for a final sound check. Dan was holding my hand and swinging my arm back and forth. He kept looking down at me, would stare for a while and then look back up. I pretended not to notice until he walked into a lamp post.

Kyle started laughing when he turned round to see Dan on the floor clutching his nose. I have to admit it was funny but just in case he was hurt I kept in my laugh.

It was then brought to Sam's attention Dan was hurt. He looked at me then back to Dan several times.

"If you weren't so busy eye fucking each other you wouldn't be hurt" He said before continuing to walk. At this point Dan had got up and everyone else had averted their attention to Sam as he stroppily walked ahead of the others.

"Come on" Dan said following Sam.

(a/n the bits in italics are Helena, her subconscious)

Did I do something wrong?


Why is Sam angry at me?

because you're dumb. you shouldn't be here. you don't belong.

Helena was right. I shouldn't be here. As I was going to turn back Alex ran up to me swung me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I said whilst flailing my arms around. He laughed as he ran up the street with Ben, Kyle, Danny and the three Joshs' following behind and around him. I soon gave up trying to made myself heard over the noise of the others.

We soon caught up to Dan and Sam. Sam was lecturing Dan about how to behave whist out in public.

He said It "creates a bad name for the band acting like a group of wild baboons." Alex cleared his throat and smiled sarcastically at him.

By the time we reached the venue the line stretched around the street and around the corner. All the fans started to scream the boys' names. This only made my nerves worse. Alex pulled me inside and closed the doors behind us as we were the last inside. The others had all gone into a room with a paper sign saying 'Bastille' on it. I took a step forward to follow but Alex pushed me back against the door and held his arms either side of me.

"Alex let me go" I said trying to wriggle out of his grip.

"Is it bad?" He asked referring to my mental ability.

"No." I said. If I told him Helena was back he'd make me go back to Sheffield. He dropped his arms and let me go through to the others.

Dan's pov

I can't believe Sam. He said if I talk to Ari other than for professional reasons he'd report me. I think Alex and Ari overheard some of the conversation but I'm not quite sure how much. It's not fair to me nor to Ari. She'll be confused as to why I ignore her. I just don't know what to do. I'll ask Will, he's good with advice. That would have to wait until after the show. I tried to focus myself by listening to the A.M album but it was no good.


Josh D's pov

It was almost time for us to go on. I still don't think it's quiet sunk in that we're opening for Bastille, now a global success, at the Nokia Theatre in America. 10,000 people had turned up to the sold out show and I was about to play in front of them with my band. Insane.

Danny stood at the foot of the stairs followed by Alex, myself and Ari. We where all wired up waiting for our cue. Sam gave Danny a nudge up the stairs and then sauntered off back to the others. I emerged onto the stage. It was huge. The crowd was huge. I looked to my left to see Ari give the nodd of approval for us to start. Danny counted us in and the rest fell into place.

The crowd seemed to enjoy the set and some even sang along. American crowds are a lot more polite compared to British crowds. Everyone seemed to have a comfortable amount of space and looked happy. The set went smoothly with no faults or sound issues, a first for us.

To Kill A King where on next so me and Ari stayed at the side of the stage to watch while the others went for a sit down. How Ari hadn't fallen asleep yet I don't know. She never sleeps well on tour or planes so whilst we where all getting a good nights rest she stayed up.


Ari's pov

After the show everyone went to a club but, being 17, I stayed back at the tour bus. I got the duvets Dan had brought into the living room last night and made his bed before getting my own and taking it into the back room. I updated Santoro (my diary) on todays events, then read a few chapters of The Perks Of Being A Wallflower. It was one of my all time favourite books, aside from Harry Potter.

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