Chapter 9. Letters To My Lover The Dylan Fan -To Kill A King

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Dan's p.o.v

I woke up to my phone ringing. It was eight in the morning and Sam was ringing me.

"Mello" I said whilst wiping the sleep out of my eyes and making sure Ari was still asleep.

"Don't forget to be in the studio in an hour" He said sounding equally tired.

"Okay" I said through a yawn. Today was Monday which meant a day in the studio writing songs. It wasn't really fair that I had to write on my own. The guys help with the tune and have tried to help but it's hard being the front man.

I took a closer look at Ari's pictures. It look like she'd took some herself. There were alot of bands including Paramore, To Kill A King, Swiss Lips and at the very bottom was a picture of Bastille with a picture of her and each member individually. They were recent photos from sometime in October last year. I liked the photos of me and her. In one I was picking her up so she looked taller, not that she was short I was just really tall. I took down the photo and replaced it with a piece of paper.

Sorry I had to go into work but if you go next door Kyle will be there. Call me when you've got the chance. 07789654032 Dan x

Kyle's p.o.v

I woke up to a rather tidy house and a text from Dan telling me to be expecting Miss Smith. This meant that Dan must have spent the night at hers. I slid off the sofa and onto the floor to find woody was still asleep. My face was about an inch away for his when I said "Morning beautiful" and kissed his nose. His eyes snapped open and he let out a high pitched scream. I rolled off him and layed on my back in a laughing fit.

"y-your f-f-face" I managed to say.

"What the hell was that?!" Will said emerging from the hall way. I couldn't say any thing so I just pointed at Woody who began laughing with me. Nicole made us breakfast, the very skillful dish of beans on toast, before beeing called into work. 

Ari's p.o.v

I woke up to find Emily tightly grasped in my arms. I can't remember going to bed. And i'm sure Dan was hear when I fell asleep. He was hear but he realized what a freak you were so he left. Of course he left, he has his own life and to him i'm just another fan. I flopped out of bed to find a pile of blankets neatly folded. He must have slept on the floor because Nicole was at his house. I picked them up and put them away. It was stuffy and hot so I opened my window. A gust of wind caught one of my pictures and blew it of the wall. I picked it up and read what turned out to be a note from Dan. I smiled at the thought of him coming home from work looking forward to seeing me. But why would he want to do that? After all your just another idiot in a sea of stormers.

I shrugged of the thought and hopped into the shower then got changed into black skinnys, a swiss lips tee, my grey hoodie and blue converse. My straighteners had mysteriously disappeared so I Split my hair in two and plaited it. Hopefully it didn't look to odd as my natural hair was long, thick, curly, frizzy and straight, in other words it did what ever it wanted and the only thing you could do to it was straighten it. Unfortunately, this wasn't an option. Once I looked presentable I made my way over to Dan's flat where i'd find Kyle if I was lucky.

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