Chapter 3. Gasp -To Kill A King

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Ari's p.o.v

I quickened my pace to catch up but by the time I was there he had all ready gone. Don't be stupid of course it wasn't Dan Smith, what would he be doing here. Even if it was he wouldn't want to see you, the ugly fangirl that can't put one foot in front of the other with out falling over. Let me introduce you to my inner thoughts, the thing that keeps me in my place and lets me know where I stand. It lets me know daily that I'm a fail and I'm never going to achieve anything. 

I stepped out the door to find cold air slash my face and arms. I looked down at myself to find I was only wearing jeans and a band top, not a clever choice for mid February in England. It was to late to go back now so I carried on down the street. I took the third left then the first right so I wouldn't get lost. On the second round of my directions I found a take-a-way that looked open. I stepped inside to find two boys, I say boys but they were obviously men, waiting for their order. They had their backs to me but i could tell they 'boy' on the right was the same one from before. It still doesn't mean it's him. Plenty of people dress like that, look at yourself. What would you say if it was him anyway 'hello, i'm your biggest fan!''. I hate to admit it but Helena, that's what I call her, was right.

At that moment they turned to leave so I jumped out of the way. Once I heard the click of the door I turned to be with two chocolate brown eyes staring at me from behind the glass window. Those eyes happened to belong to the other man that was on the left, also known as Kyle Simmons. Unfortunately he was soon out of view and turned back to his friend.

I quickly blinked away the image of the most perfect man and grabbed a menu. I chose a cheese pizza for myself and a pepperoni one for Nicole. She would be hungry as shes only had a packet of crisps and some haribos. Now would probably be a good time to wake up her up so she wasn't to grumpy when I got back.

"mmmm whhhaat?"

"hello to you too"

"why did you wake me up?"

"to tell you I'll be back with pizza in ten minutes"

I then hung up, payed for the food and left. I took the first left then the third right and found a small corner shop still open. I walked in to find a cramped room that was packed with as much stuff as they could fit on the shelf. It looked as though you could touch one item and the rest would come tumbling down. I stumbled over to the fridge section and picked up a bottle of coke and some milk.  I set it down on the counter along with some tea bags, sugar, a packet of malteesers and starburst. I payed then rushed out when Flaws started to play.

"Where are you it's been ten minutes"

"Oh yeah i'm fine thanks for your concern"

"You know what I meant. Love you"

"Love you to and i'll be five minutes tops"

"Okay. Hurry up pleeaaseeee"

"See you in a minute"


Once again i was met by the towering building that is home. I stepped inside to be greeted by warmth and a pair of big brown eyes looking at me from across the room. He's not looking at you, fool. I squealed and ran over to the stairs away from my idol. "Hey! Wait up!" he called which only made me run faster.

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