Chapter 6.Always Attract -You Me At Six

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Dan's p.o.v

The door creaked open to revile a tall blonde girl dressed in a tight black skirt and tight vest top. She was the right height and weight for a model.

"I have turned it down if you want me to turn it off you on-" She said looking up and stopping mid sentence.

"erm. Hi is your friend here?" I asked. Damn it Dan you sound so stupid.

"Yeah first door on your right" she said taking a step back letting me in. I got to the end of the corridor and looked around.

"Have you just moved in?" God Dan, your so nosy.

"Yeah, we got here yesterday" I turned to the right to see a door closed shut and another next to it piled with boxes of flat pack furniture and bags of clothes and various other items. I slowly opened the door to reveal an unpacked room with no one inside. The blonde appeared behind me and nodded so I ventured further into the room.

The right hand corner of the room was plastered with posters and pictures, all of bands including a few of Bastille. Underneath that was her bed, a single with seven pillows with cartoon pictures of Mister Men, Paddington Bear, Doctor Who, Harry Potter and Adventure Time. In the left corner was a desk with an iMac placed upon it. It had a lot of wires coming out of it connecting it to a keyboard that was placed on a shelf in the desk. Next to that was a book case full of books and a few Wii and DS games. They were neatly placed in alphabetical order. It must have taken a long time as there were a lot of books. Most of them looked worn, like they'd been read a lot, apart from fourteen books I recognized as Harry Potter in the Swedish and American covers. In the other corner was a wardrobe which was shut tight. To the left of that was another book case.

This time the fifth shelf at the top had vinyls crammed in, a few were on the floor which didn't fit on the shelf. Row four had music books labeled Clarinet, Cello, saxophone, guitar and Piano. The third shelf had DVDs crammed onto it. She even had Twin Peaks! The second shelf had CDs in alphabetical order by artist. the final shelf was half filled with six identical ring bound books and random objects. They were random to me but to this girl each must hold a memory. A photo frame with her and what must have been her sister, two pot houses that where from Sweden, an Indian elephant, some plastic toy soldiers and two plaques that had 'Ariana Smith - Rounders Player Of The Year' engraved on them. I guess she really was Miss Smith then.

Ari's p.o.v

I managed to grab my phone and ear phones before there was another knock at the door. I ran back to my room and retrieved my diary, a pen, a touch and Emily from their various places before shuffling under my bed. I clicked on the touch and slid it in between a plank and my mattress. I turned to the next clean page and started to tell Santaro (that's who i write to in my diary)  about the recent events.

 I was up to where I was going to get food when I was interrupted by my door opening. I looked over to see a pair of white converse at the entrance. Those weren't Nicole's shoes and I didn't know anyone else in London. They began to walk around my room, starting at my bed. I clicked off my torch and rolled into the corner tucking my knees up to my chin and hugging them tightly with Emily between my chest and legs. I decided it was a he as it must be one of Nicole's friends from one of her stories, she didn't know any girls apart from me and people from school. He stopped at each corner of my room like he was inspecting how organized I was. He even played a few notes on my keyboard which I was rather annoyed at. He spent a long time looking at my book shelf. When he had  finished his circuit of my room and was turning to leave flaws began to play out loud. I looked down at my phone to see 'Nicole Incoming Call'

ticket stubs and your diaries -BastilleWhere stories live. Discover now