Chapter 19. Family -To Kill A King

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Amy's p.o.v (Dan's sister, the next morning) 

"Lucy where's your tie?" I asked looking at my daughter. She looked such a mess with her short skirt and shirt untucked. She huffed in reply and went upstairs to fetch it.

"Mum, whose this girl?" Sophie, my other daughter asks. Girl? What is she talking about. I walked into the living room where she was supposed to be watching television. To my surprise, there was a girl stood in front of the window.

"Sorry, who are you and why are you in my living room?" I asked. She turned round to face me.

"I'm Ari, a friend of Dans" She said. Why would Dan stop here, he has his own flat. This girl is starting to scare me. Maybe she's an obsessed fan.

"Where's Dan?" I asked as Lucy walked in and sat down next to Sophie.

"He's asleep" She said. I knew he was asleep but he'll be at his flat, not here.

"Lucy, you were creeping around the house last night weren't you?" She nodded with a weak smile. "Did Dan come here?" I asked.

"Yeah, she just told you, he's asleep in his room" Lucy replied. So she wasn't a psychopath. Embarrassed that I didn't believe her, I left the room and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

a/n lucy is 13 and Sophie is 4 (sorry for interrupting)

"Mummy will you plait my hair" Sophie asked tugging at my shirt. I continued to butter the toast, ignoring her request. "Pwitty Pwease" She said fluttering her eyelashes.

"Maybe later" I said picking up the two plates and taking them into back into the living room. I handed one to Lucy and sat down opposite her on an armchair and began to eat my toast. The girl had sat cross-legged on the floor and was talking to Lucy about Youtubers, she was obsessed, especially with Thatcherjoe and Zoella. Sophie had followed me and lent on my knees still begging.

"I'll plait your hair if you want" The girl said. Sophie immediately ran over to her and sat in her lap   I still don't trust her and Ari is a stupid name. She took little bits of Sophie's long blonde hair and plaited them. 

Sophie sat very patiently and watched sponge bob square pants. After the girl had done around fifteen  tiny braids she separated her hair into two section and pulled bits out into the middle. She tied the ends and Sophie shot up and ran over to me and twirled.

"Do I look like a princess mummy?" She asked trying to over her shoulder to see the plait. I have to say, it was neat and looked pretty, but Sophie doesn't like change and prefers her normal plait.

"Mummy I can't see the back of it" She said gripping my leg to stop herself falling over. Lucy got her phone out of her bag and walked over to us.

"Stay still and i'll take a picture and show you" She stayed still just long enough for her to take it. Lucy handed her the phone and her eyes opened wide, I knew she wouldn't like it.

"Mummy I love it can I have it like this everyday" She asked whilst running over to the girl and jumping into her lap. She started to play with the ends of the girls hair and twist bits together. 

"Yes dear" I said even though I couldn't do fancy plaits like that but it was the easy thing to say.

I finished my toast and put the plates in the sink. I grabbed my phone and Sophie's shoes, ready to take her to her dads when it started to ring.

a/n Sophie's dad is called john (and sorry again)

Amy: Hello

John: Hey Amy I'm really sorry but I can't have Soph today

Amy: Why not?

john: I'm in Ireland still

Amy: You were due back yesterday morning and had all that time to tell me!

John: I was locked up for being drunk, you can't blame me

I hung up the phone. What an excuse 'I was locked up'. I was so angry at him but I didn't have time to be angry, I needed to find someone to look after Sophie and get Lucy to school. 

I walked into the living room to see Sophie still trying to plait the girls hair. I could leave her here, Dan would be up soon. It wouldn't be so bad would it?

"Hey, Ari is it?" I asked and she nodded. "Can you do me a favour and look after Sophie until Dan gets up, John's stuck in Ireland." She gave me a soft smile and looked down at Sophie before answering.

"Yeah I'd love to, Amy is it?" She replied. I nodded in reply and put Sophie's shoes back in the hallway.   

"Come on Lucy, you don't want to be late!" I shouted from the front door and walked out to the car to go to work.

Dan's p.o.v

I woke up to the sound of faint laughed. I opened my eyes to be blinded by bright sunlight. Rolling over, I realized Ari was not in the room. It must be her laughing. I got up and went in the shower before getting dressed and heading down stairs.

As I made my way down stairs the laughing grew louder, but it wasn't Ari's laugh. I thought everyone would be out by now, it's past ten. 

I went to the living room but there was no one there. The laughter continued to float around the halls. I went to the kitchen and there she was, sat at the counter with Sophie and lots of colored playdough.

I stood there for a few moments just watching her. Not in a creepy way, but a 'she'd be a great mum and I really like her and should enjoy this moment' way.

"Having fun?" I asked them both. They turned around and Sophie leaped of her chair and ran towards me.

"Uncle Dan!" She exclaimed. I picked her up and spun her around then put her gently on the floor before hugging her tightly.  

"Where's your mum" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and returned to her chair with help from Ari.

"I think she's at work or something but John is stuck in Ireland so she asked you to look after her." Ari replied after handing some yellow playdough to Sophie.

So I've got to look after her. Don't get me wrong, I love my sister and niece but when she just springs stuff on me and expects me to drop everything at her request, it is frustrating. And she left her with Ari. She seemed okay with looking after her but it's not like she just had to run away from a mass murderer or anything.

She seemed okay this morning but last night she kept mumbling things. Dark nasty things about her past. She said somthing about a lake and trying to jump and something else about men in white coats. I'd have to ask her about that later.

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