Chapter 15. Bad Blood -Bastille

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Ari's p.o.v

I was at work the next day when Sam walked in. It was nice to see him outside of the studio. He told me Dan comes in here a lot. I don't want him to know I work as a waitress, it's a poorly paid job and it makes me look uneducated. I don't go to collage so I have to lie about my age but I don't think I could lie to Dan. He only has to look at me and he knows straight away. 

I was going to the cinema with Dan tonight. Hannah let me go early and said she'd cover for me. I thanked her and left at four giving me an hour to get ready. Nicole was in so she did my hair and make-up and chose my clothes. The moment she was done there was a knock at the door. 

Nicole went to answer it whilst I stood staring in the mirror. She'd pinned my fringe back so it wasn't in my face. I was wearing a cream dress that stopped mid thigh. I slipped on a pair of tights . I wiped away a tear just as Dan walked in. "Ready to go" he asked and I nodded.

We were walking hand in hand down the road towards town. "You look beautiful" He said turning towards me. My cheeks would turn red but I made sure Nicole put blush on so you couldn't tell.

"Thanks" I said tilting my head down to avoid his gaze. As a result I tripped over and let go of Dan's hand. I fell on my left side and began laughing. 

"Are you okay" He said bending down as I sat up. 

"Yeah" I said standing up and brushing of my dress. Dan went to take my hand but stopped.

"Your bleeding lets go back and clean it" I looked down to see blood dripping from my wrist onto my dress. I took out a piece of materiel that I used as a head band and tied it around it. I started to walk down the street but Dan didn't follow.

"It doesn't hurt. It'll stop soon" I said smiling slightly. He paused for a few seconds before catching up to me. He looked down at me concerned, then took my other hand and pulled me back towards the flats. I stood still but Dan's a lot stronger than I am. 

ticket stubs and your diaries -BastilleWhere stories live. Discover now