Chapter 11. Impacilla Carpisung -The Ting Tings

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Dan's p.o.v

Kyle just called Ari 'my lady friend'. I felt my cheeks burn and looked over to Ari to see her with a rosy tint on hers. Please let there be a black hole that swallows me whole..

"I'm Mark and you are?" thank god someone broke the silence.

"Ari" she said with a small wave and blushed even more. It was adorable when she did that.

"So Ari, what do you want to know about the music business" Mark asked, it's not likely to be anything interesting, he'll tell her about all the hard work you have to put in.

"Everything" He grabbed her hand. As she was dragged away from me I saw her face turn to a worried expression. I smiled reassuringly when she appeared in the control room behind the glass.

I couldn't hear them but Mark was pointing at various buttons and switches on the panel. She was happily occupied so I turned to Kyle and asked if he wanted to practise.

"Well what else would I be here for?" He said sitting down at his keyboard. He began to play Bad Blood so I joined in on the second round of chords. It sounded strange with no Drums or Bass. When we usually rehearsed it was either all together or individually. 

Will's p.o.v

Woody decided to have a shower so we were longer than we expected. We entered the building and walked down a lot of corridors that were all labeled with sections like 'Conference Halls' or 'Head Offices' all colour coded, a bit like a hospital. To get to our studio, you entered the main building and made your way to the other side. Then you walked into a court yard with a few benches and flower beds. You walked down a set of concrete steps, then some metal ones that were probably the fire escape as they didn't look very safe and Dan took us this way for our first interview when we were running late. Then you went inside the secondary building and down three flights of stairs until you were underground. That's where you'd find Dan on a Monday or Tuesday and Bastille on a Wednesday and Thursday.

Woody's p.o.v

We entered the underground studio to hear Bad Blood. It was supposed to be a sound proof room but apparently not. It sounded good with just keyboards and vocals. We waited outside in case they were recording when Mark came out with Ari.

"No defiantly not" she said turning to see us and bumping into a wall. "Are you okay?" I asked extending a hand. "Yeah happens all the time" she said with a shy smile, like the one Dan does when he's embarrassed. 

We joined Kyle and Dan in the recording room where they were arguing over dogs or cats. "But dog's don't cuddle up to you" I swear Kyle is the craziest person I've ever encountered.

"We'll cat's can't learn tricks and need a litter tray!" Maybe Dan's just as crazy.

"Cats make better friends" I don't think they've noticed we're here.

"Man's best friend is a dog" please someone stop this they're both as bad as each other.

"Well it's not a womans best friend is it?"

"So your a woman now?"


I took Kyle by the arm and dragged him outside to shut him up "Hey! Where are we going?" "Away from Dan"

Ari's p.o.v

Kyle and Dan were having an argument about cats and dogs. They're exactly as I have imagined them, Kyle and Dan being the little brothers that fight all the time, Woody being the mum and splitting them up, Will is the dad that thinks it's funny and Sam and Mark are the older brothers that gets annoyed by them. Kyle is right though. Cats win every time.

It was now 3.00 and the school rush would begin around now. I needed to go to town to buy some bleach to dip-dye my hair again. "Erm I need to go home, thanks for showing me round" "Do you know your way back?" Dan asked after calming himself down. "Google does" I said with a smile. He chuckled lightly and grabbed his hoodie. 

After we were stopped by about a million people asking how Dan was and who I am, we were finally on the streets of London.

"Where to then miss" He said in an overly posh British accent.

"Somewhere that sells hair dye" He started to walk to the left. I was unsure weather or not he wanted me to follow him.

"What are you waiting for, Christmas?" I blushed and followed him weaving in and out of people. It was silent the whole way to an even busier street which had a superdrug store on it.

We walked inside and were greeted with warmth after the freezing cold wind. He led me to the back of the shop before turning to me and speaking. "What do you need?"

"Hair dye and general hygiene products" It took about ten minutes to find everything. All I needed was hair dye.

"what colour?" My hair was so dark it would only bleach or turn black but I'm guessing boys didn't understand how to dye hair. I picked up a bottle of peroxide and a powdered packet, then followed Dan to a till where a middle aged woman with a lot of make-up, false nails and bleach white hair stood. She still looks better than you. Placing the items on the till, I pulled out my purse and counted out £15.00 in pound coins. I could have used notes but I had a lot of loose change that made it really heavy. I paid then followed Dan out of the shop.

 Kyle's p.o.v

Woody took me out of the room and pulled me to a corner.

"Will you shut up" I didn't say anything wrong I was just expressing my opinion of cats and dogs.

"Why, I haven't done anything" Why was he so concerned, it happens nearly everyday.

"Because Ari thinks were crazy and your making Dan look bad in front of her" She already knows I'm crazy, she's a stormer of course she does.

"What does Dan have to do with her?"

"Think about it" and then he walked up the stairs to the exit. Think about it I will because I have no idea what he means. They're was nothing for me to do in the studio today so I text Sam to say I was going home and left.

I'd have to get the bus because Dan picked me up last night and I was too tired to walk. Nicole had had a major sugar rush and was bouncing off the walls and it was nearly four by the time she'd fallen asleep. I've no idea how Dan gets up so early and goes to bed so late. I'm surprised he hasn't passed out from exhaustion yet. It's a good job he didn't but it still can't be healthy. Maybe I'll try writing some songs and record the keys so he gets a break.

Sam's p.o.v

It's strange seeing Will on his own. He's always with the rest of Bastille or we're with Tom, Greg or Coop.

"They're not coming back are they"

"Nope" I've know idea what to talk about with him. I don't even know wha-

"I've got to go so i'll see you on Wednesday"

"Okay bye" thank god for that. I need to get to know him and the rest of them more incase this happens again.

I texted Dan to tell him to have a week off. He seemed too distracted and interested in that girl to do any work.

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