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Now, the waiting has been cast off as Izuku drapes his black shoes into his feet, with Hisana and Byakuya behind him. Hisana was wearing a red shirt with black roses patterns on it, white pants and black short-heeled shoes. Byakuya wore his shihakushou and his haori, but he isn't wearing his kenseikan, letting his elegant hair flows down.

During those two weeks, he worked his ass so hard for at least a week, he managed to force Nana into submission and knows the power of her Quirk that merged the Quirk factors of Nana within the core of One For All, as One For All explains it, it stockpiled the power, so the power of each holders' Quirks is also increased. Since it has been passed down for two time ever since Nana inherited it, later giving it to Toshinori, and now Izuku. The power of her Quirk increases.

"You ready, Izu? I got the camera." Hisana winked and pulls out her camera. "Of course, the recording will be high resolution." She said as Izuku nodded and grins.

"Yeah. Ikuze."

Arriving U.A. with the Kuchiki limousine car, that is colored-black, upon arrival, a lot of reporters and paparazzi came and when Hisana made her appearance and gave everyone a sweet, kind smile, all the males nearly passes out due ot the amount of blood spraying out of their noses, and females squealing at the sights of Izuku and Byakuya.

Soon enough, Izuku left his parents and went to the Class 1-A's Waiting Room, dressed in his P.E. clothes and now waiting with the rest of his classmates. Sitting next to Jirou and Yaoyorozu, the boy was currently either listening or talking with Zangetsu, Nana, and now - the younger brother of All For One, or the original holder of One For All, as he decided to call him Saishoyuu, which the means "first holder", much to the creator's joy and happiness that he has a name.

"No fair. I wanted to wear my costume." Mina pouted, tugging on her pants, as Ojirou stop stretching his arms and look at Ashido.

"To keep everything fair and square, we can't." He answered kindly.

"I wonder what the first round's gonna be..." Sadou asked nervously, with Tokoyami and Shouji. The user of Dark Shadow closes his eyes and fold his arms.

"No matter what comes, we have no choice but to go on with it." Tokoyami said, Shouji nodded in agreement.

The door was opened by Ilda. "Minna, are you ready? We will be entering soon!" Ilda said, as Izuku nearly burst into laughters when Saishoyuu commented Ilda was a very strict person, that needs to learn a few humors or otherwise girls will not like him due to his serious personality.


The orange hair open his eyes, looking at the owner of the voice as he got up and walks in of Todoroki. "What is it, Todoroki?" Everyone in the room look at the pair with interest. This is the first time the two strongest students in Class A are now facing each other.

"Looking at things objectively, I think we're equal in power, judgement and intelligent, but one thing's for sure, I am not intending to back down." Todoroki said dully.

"Yeah, so?"

"But... All Might has his eye on you, doesn't he? I'm not trying to pry about that. But I'm going to beat you." Izuku look a bit surprised at his declaration. Mentally, he frowned upon realizing something about Todoroki.

His Quirk, Half-Cold Half-Hot.

As the name suggested it, he can generate ice on his right and fire on his left. But throughout the times he saw Todoroki using his power, he never used his left side. Not even once but only to used the heat to melt the ice away on the things he had frozen with his right side. It bothers him why Todoroki isn't using his left side and the burn scar on his left eye, seems to be something that forces Shouto to not used his fire.

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