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After school is over, Izuku toss his bag over his left shoulder and got up, before boys and girls surrounded him, asking questions and all. "Zangetsu? You think I should not come on the next week by teasing and flirting back Kaa-san?" Izuku suggested, feeling the enjoyment his Zanpakutou is emitting inside him.

"Hell yeah!"

"Although, Tou-san will definitely kill me, including Ginrei-jii-san."

Izuku noted that he shouldn't pisses his grandfather off because when he did last time after accidentally destroyed his garden, he was forced to clean the whole mansion all by himself, including THE toilets and cut his hair shorter than last time.

He could feel the amusement coming from Zangetsu.

"Izu, wanna know something?"


"I'm sexually attracted to Hisana."


Note to self: His Zanpakutou is the WORST in the history of Zanpakutou.

Meanwhile, Hisana blushed madly and feel embarrassment creeping her heart. Byakuya stop doing his paperwork and look at her.

"Is something wrong? Are you having a fever?"

"... Why am I getting this feeling that Izuku's Zanpakutou just said something so sexual of me...? As if he is actually sexually attracted to me..."

Byakuya's blood ran hot and grabs Hisana wrists, his eyes burning with determination as he look around, noticing no one was around and look at Hisana, who is utterly confused and innocent.

"I shall make you mine as always."

Izuku walk down the streets and yawned. "Hey, mind if I ask you something?"

"Sure. Whatever floats your goat."

"Whatever." Izuku scowled at his terrible joke. "How close I am of reaching that?"

"Mmm? Only a few more months and you'll get it, of course, by forcing me to submit." Zangetsu forms an excited grin. "And to mention, our fight is going to be exciting for me."

"That's you as always."

Suddenly, a girl about his age bumped into him, of course, due to that he is possessing Hierro that is like an armor, the girl cries in pain and land painfully down at the ground, rubbing both her forehead and butt.

"You okay, miss?" Izuku asked flatly, the girl winches and nodded.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry, I didn't notice you were in front of me while I was listening to music." The girl said, accepting the hand Izuku offered as he pulls her up to her feet.

The girl look at him before her eyes grew wide. "H-Hey. You're Kuchiki Izuku, the nephew of Kuchiki Byakuya and his wife, Hisana, right...?" She asked. Izuku sighed and nodded.

"That's me."

"W-Wow, I didn't expect I would meet another noble other than my friend..."

Izuku rise a curious eyebrow.


"Oh! I'm sorry if I didn't introduced myself." The girl extended her hand. Ichika look at her before back at her, before sensing someone approaching them from behind the girl. "I'm Jirou Kyouka."

"You know who I am already..." Ultimately, Izuku accept her hand.

"My friend's name is Yaoyorozu Momo." Jirou said, expecting
Izuku to look surprised, instead he look as if he doesn't care at all.

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