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"Hmm. What'd you think, Rukia?" said a tall, lean and orange-haired man. "Got any names for the kid?"

The short, petite, purple-eyed woman stare at her husband in annoyance. "No. I don't know what should I gave him, Ichigo." Rukia said and lift the little boy into the air.

He had inherited Ichigo's looks and appearance, but his eyes is the same colors of Rukia herself. Honestly, the boy looks cute.

"Hey, how about Izuku?"

"Hmm. Don't know."

Rukia pouted as she rest her back on the sofa. "It's so frustrating, to be honest. I hope Nii-sama and Hisana-nee has names yet..."

Ichigo half-heartedly laughed and kissed Rukia, making her blush in surprise. "No matter how I see it. You are just too cute for me to resist, Rukia." The wife of Kurosaki Ichigo smiled and place the young baby into the baby carrier, before dragging him to their room and began taking off her clothes.

"Oh? Why don't you explain this body, Strawberry?"

"R-Rukia, there is times for our interrupted sex but now isn't..."


Rukia sighed in disappointment and puts back her clothes. Ichigo let out a sigh of relief and they went outside, opening the door and saw Byakuya and Hisana.

"Nii-sama! Hisana!" Rukia exclaimed happily and hug her big sister, who in turn, laughed and hug back her little sister.

"Rukia! Oh, where's the baby?!" Hisana yelled excitedly. "I'm so proud! I'm an aunt now! Could you believe it, Byakuya?!" Her husband simply smiled a little.

"Yes. I sure do hope you have a name in mind for the young Kuchiki and Kurosaki." Byakuya said, as Ichigo frowned slightly and scratch the back of his head in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Byakuya. But we haven't figure out what name the kid should have."

Byakuya suddenly glares at his brother-in-law. "Kurosaki Ichigo, was my approval for your marriage between my sister-in-law really that pointless? Shameful. Such disgrace for the name of the Kuchiki family." Ichigo sweat drop as Byakuya continue to lecture Ichigo about how the ways the Kuchiki family runs.

"Though, I do hope his name is going to be "the one who protects," like you, Ichigo!" Hisana said happily as ever. Ichigo and Rukia smiled and look at the sleeping baby.


However, things weren't going as many thoughts would happened.

Few weeks later...

Both Ichigo and Rukia look painfully at their baby in Rukia's arms, their house now burnt down to the ground while Ichigo wield his sword on his hand, an oversized khyber knife. "Rukia, take our son and go!" Ichigo ordered but Rukia shook her head furiously.

"No! I'm not leaving you!"

"I'll always love you, Rukia..."

"I... love you with all of my heart, Ichigo..."

Byakuya sorrowfully hug back Hisana, she was crying and sobbing very hard in grief, sadness, agony and anguish.

Rukia and Ichigo had died.

Their funeral started a few hours ago.

Needless to say, everyone was saddened, very saddened.

The report has been shown that the League of Villains are the ones who attacked the two married Kurosaki. Leaving behind the baby in Rukia's arms while she dies painfully, with having to watch as Ichigo gets his body beaten and bloodied up.

However, they weren't able to find the body of Kuchiki Rukia. So they assumed she was kidnapped, or killed but knowing that she is dead now.

Hisana look brokenly at the child of Ichigo and Rukia, who is sleeping innocently, not even noticing his parents is dead, as she immediately place his small body in her arms while tears continued to falls down her broken purplish-blue eyes.

"You shall be Kurosaki Izuku..."

(What? I'm sorry I killed off Ichiruki in this book! Also, be aware, there might be parts that I out Izuku's name as "Ichiku", so don't ask me why.

Hisana (Alive):

Byakuya (Alive):

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Byakuya (Alive):

Rukia (Unknown):

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Rukia (Unknown):

Ichigo (Deceased):

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Ichigo (Deceased):

Ichigo (Deceased):

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