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As Izuku opens his eyes, he found himself back into the word of blue skyscrapers and look around. "Um. H-Hello? Zangetsu?" The said Zanpakutou appeared in front of him, looking disappointed and angry.

"What the hell, brat!" Smacking his former host's son's head, Izuku cries. "What the hell is wrong with your body?! It's weak and pathetic! Also, STOP CRYING FOR KAMI'S SAKES!!!"

Izuku immediately shut up.

Breathing out a sigh of relief, Zangetsu stares down at the orange-haired boy. He remains silent as memories of his former host began flashing his head. The similarities they shared are the same, including the ones with King's Queen.

In fact, this is what Ichigo look like when they first met when he was 7 years old, like Izuku.

Zangetsu flinched upon remembering the Ossan. The real manifestation of Ichigo's Zanpakutou and Zangetsu while he was a false one, made by a madman and send him into Ichigo's soul.

Ichigo had learn the name of the real Zangetsu at he age of 6, which is shocking because to know the names of your Zanpakutou, you will hear it when you reach 12 or something.

Now is different.

Since King and Queen's powers are passed down into him, he fuses with their powers, thus finally making him a Zanpakutou but with Hollow powers.

Ah, Hollow.

How could he forgotten about that.


He snap out of his mind and look at Izuku with an annoyed frown. Instead of the fearless and determined boy he knew, it was a fearful and paralyzed weak boy in front of him instead of his King.

"Tch! Anyway, kid, if you go any questions you wanted to ask then go ahead." Zangetsu said and sat down on the ground, with Izuku following shyly.

"Who are you?"

"I am Zangetsu, literally means "Slaying Moon." The Inner Hollow said with annoyance. "Originally, I was part of your Oyaji's soul and called an "Inner Hollow". What's a Hollow? They're creatures that ate the souls of everyone to feast their hunger. I am actually man-made from a bastard called Aizen Sosuke by using hundreds souls to make me. He send me to your Dad and I fused myself with him, becoming what is called as an Inner Hollow. Don't worry. Ever since your Mom is pregnant with you inside her, I fused with their powers that has been inherited from them, thus making me a Zanpakutou now."

Izuku nodded in relief.

"What is this place?"

"It's called an inner world. It's a place where we Zanpakutou stayed inside your mind. Time here can played to normal, slow or fast, that depends on our powers. This place shares the same design as your Oyaji's, but I am know it'll start snowing once—"

Eventually, snowflakes began falling down from the blue skies. Izuku nor Zangetsu shivered from the cold but they knew the air suddenly got a tiny bit colder, like a wind hitting on you.

"Oook..." Izuku giggled. "What kind of powers you have?"

Zangetsu opens his hand and points it into the sky. "I have my Hollow powers, your Father's, and your Mother's. My Hollow powers gives me lots of shits to perform. For starters, this is called a Cero." A crimson ball began forming on his palm before a crimson beam was launched out of the palm into the sky Zangetsu is pointing.

"This is called a Bala." Zangetsu fired a small ball of crimson energy. Unlike the Cero, this one is much weaker but frightening faster than he Cero.

"This is called Sonido." Zangetsu appear a few meter back before sitting back to where he is with a buzz sound.

"There is High-Speed Regeneration, which is the one I healed your wounds." Zangetsu said. Izuku shivered and cringed at the memory.

"Since I am both your Zanpakutou and Inner Hollow, by accessing to my powers, you wear my Hollow mask by clawing the air in front of your face in a "rippling" motion." Zangetsu said.

"Mask. You mean the one above your forehead?" Izuku pointed out at the black mask over Zangetsu's head. The Zanpakutou nodded.

"It's not exactly black, kid. Mine's black while yours white."


"Your Oyaji's power gives him the ability to fired a crescent moon or wave of condensed energy with his Zanpakutou amplifying it to his said Zanpakutou's blade. Your Kaa-san's power is a Zanpakutou where she can made ice by performing these "dances" I learned from her powers." Zangetsu explained, as Izuku nodded eagerly.


"But it takes 9 years to master them." Zangetsu grinned evilly upon seeing the look of stupefied shock, disbelief, terror and horror on his face, making him howl into laughters.

"Anyway, ya should wake up now, kid. Your adoptive parents is pretty worried."

Izuku was about to say something but found himself back to reality. Next to his sides were Byakuya and Hisana, looking pale and worried as they inmediately hug him tightly.

"I'm so happy you're back!" Hisana cried while Byakuya nodded. "I was so worried! Don't do that ever again! I would rather die than seeing you hurt!" Izuku let his tears fall down and hug them back.

"I'm so sorry for making you worried about me, Mom, Dad..."

"We have a lot to discuss and talk, Izuku..."

Hisana lay down Izuku's body over atop of her while the boy was sleeping after talking too much with them. She ran her hand over his face while smiling. "I love you as always, Izu..." She kissed his forehead and closed her eyes, allowing her exhaustion to take her immediately.

Byakuya watch as his wife sleep, kissing her lips and head to his room, while thinking deeply of Izuku's futures.

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