Period - Jonah Marias

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A/N decided to make another period imagine bc why not?


I woke up to a gentle kiss on my forehead, I opened my eyes and saw my boyfriend, Jonah, smiling at me.

"Wake up love, you got your period," he whispered. I quickly sat up and looked down to see blood all over the sheets.

"God dammit, I'm so sorry," I said embarrassed.

"It's ok love, let's get you cleaned up," he said with a smile. He took me to his bathroom and started a bath, he got me one of his sweatshirts and jogging pants as well as fresh underwear that I keep here. "Have a nice long bath, I'll change and wash the sheets."

"Ok, thank you baby," I said with a smile. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips and smiled.

"You're welcome," he replied then left the bathroom. I quickly got out of my clothes and sat down in the warm water in the bathtub. I leaned back and relaxed.

About an hour later I got out of the bath, I changed into the new clothes and put on a pad and a tampon just in case. I walked back out to the bedroom and saw the new sheets on the bed as well as Jonah waiting for me. "Hi beautiful, how was the bath?" he asked as I laid down beside him.

"Amazing, thank you," I replied.

"I'm getting post mates, what do you want?"

"Ice cream?" I asked with a hopeful face. Jonah giggled at my childness and nodded.

"Ok, I'll get ice cream," he replied and kissed my forehead. I smiled and nodded then cuddled into Jonah's side. He wrapped his arms around me which caused me to smile larger. "I love you princess."

"I love you too," I replied.

"What movie first?"

"Twilight?" I asked hopefully.

"Ok," he replied. I laid my head on his chest and cuddled into him as he played twilight on the t.v.

Eventually the food got here and the doorbell rang. "I'll go get it," Jonah said.

"No, don't leave, you're warm," I complained while clinging to him.

"I'll be right back love," he said and kissed my cheek. He slipped out of my grip and walked downstairs.

When he came back up he had two bowls of ice cream and two spoons. "One bowl of chocolate ice cream for the queen," he said and handed me my ice cream with a spoon.

"Thank you Baby," I said as I sat up.

"You're welcome," he replied as he sat next to me. I laid my head on his shoulder and he pulled my waist closer. "It must suck being a girl."

"Periods are the worst thing ever, like after the first day I know I'm not pregnant, why can't it just stop?" I ranted. Jonah laughed and kissed the top of my head.

"Because it gives me more days to stay home and cuddle you all day," he answered. I giggled and cuddled into him more.

"I guess so."

A/N sorry for the weird ending, I didn't know where I was going with this😂 but I hope you enjoyed anyways!


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