In the rain - Corbyn Besson

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I laughed at the corny joke my boyfriend just made.

"That was really bad babe," I told him with a laugh as I connected our hands.

"Oh but you loved it," Corbyn replied with a smirk.

"And that I did," I said with a smile. Corbyn stopped us in the middle of the sidewalk and faced me, he brought his lips down to mine and smirked against my lips. I wrapped my small arms around his neck, he wrapped my arms around my waist, bringing me closer.

The reminder of the movie popped into my head and I pulled away. Corbyn looked at me disappointed and stuck out his bottom lip, I kissed it quickly and it went back into his mouth. "We're going to be late for the movie," I reminded him.

"Aww, Fine," Corbyn sighed. I giggled then we started running towards the movie theatre.

Throughout the whole movie Corbyn kept complimenting me and flirting with me.

"Stop talking you dork," I said playfully.

"Why? Can't I compliment my beautiful baby?" he asked.

"Yes, but not right now, save it for at home," I whispered.

"Fine," Corbyn said then started fake pouting. I gave him a quick kiss then continued watching the movie.

After the movie we went outside and it was pouring, instantly soaking both of us. I looked at Corbyn and he was smiling like crazy.

"We should've brought an umbrella," I told him.

"Why? I like the rain," Corbyn replied.

"Babe, we're both soaked, let's get home," I said then started dragging him by his hand.

"Baby, chill, we'll get home, let's just enjoy this time together," Corbyn told me. I sighed then slowed down my walking.


A few blocks down Corbyn stopped and faced me, he put his hand behind my ear, holding behind my head and my jaw at the same time. He started leaning in and I did as well. He brushed his lips against mine then pulled away. "You're such a tease," I shouted at him playfully. Corbyn laughed then smashed his lips onto mine.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he pulled me closer by my waist.

When we ran out of breath we pulled away and huge smiles were on or faces.

"I love you Y/n Y/m/n Y/l/n," Corbyn said with a smile.

"I love you too Corbyn Matthew Besson," I replied. "Let's go home."

Corbyn nodded then we went home.

When we got back to our apartment I started shivering from how cold it was.

"I'll go get you a warm bath set up," Corbyn told me.

"O-ok thank you," I stuttered. I took off my soaking shoes and socks then walked upstairs where Corbyn was running a warm bath.

"Here you go baby, I'll bring you a change on clothes when you're done," he told me.

"Ok thank you," I said as he walked out of the bathroom.

*after the bath*

I got out and changed into jogging pants and a t-shirt. I went into the bedroom to see Corbyn already changed and laying on the bed. I hopped in bed beside him and laid my head on his chest, his chest slowly rising up and down.

"I love you bean," I whispered.

"I love you too Y/n."

A/N sorry this one is so crappy, I didn't really know where I was going with it...

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