Internet soulmates - Corbyn Besson

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My boyfriend Corbyn and I met online about a year ago, and we've been dating for about 4 months.

Today my best friend, Ivy, was taking me to surprise him. I got his band mates in on the surprise so Jonah can get Corbyn out of the house while I set up the surprise.

*a few hours later*

I texted Jonah telling him that we were down the road and to get Corbyn out, he replied and said ok then I saw their car leave.

I pulled up to the house and knocked on the door, Ivy was right behind me.

Zach answered and smiled at me.

"Hey! How are you?" he asked with a smile.

"Great, you?" I asked.

"Good, come in!" He said and opened the door wider. Ivy and I walked in and I also met Jack and Daniel.

"Corbyn would not shut up about how much he wanted to see you, it was getting annoying," Daniel explained.

"Little does he know," I said with a small laugh. "Do you guys have the pedals?"

"Yeah, here," Jack answered, handing me a few packages of fake rose pedals. I opened the bags then started making a path from the front door to the backyard. I made a heart around where I'd be standing.

After about 20 minutes everything was done, the path was finished and I also had some candles lit. Jack was going to record Corbyn walking through the house and Ivy will record us meeting.

Jonah texted saying they were on their way back, so I stood in the heart and Jack and Ivy got in their positions.

I shook my hands because I was nervous, but it didn't help much.

I heard the front door open and my jaw dropped from excitement, it took every muscle to keep me from screaming.

"What's this?" I heard Corbyn ask.

"Follow the path," Jack answered. I heard footsteps coming towards the backyard and Corbyn stepped into the backyard confused.

He looked around until he saw me and his jaw dropped.

"No way," he said in shock.

"Hi baby," I welcomed. We were now only metres apart. Corbyn ran over to me and lifted me into his arms. He put his head into my neck and I felt his tears fall onto my shoulder. "Hi love," I whispered into his ear.

"Hi," he replied. He pulled his head away and instantly connected our lips, he pulled my waist closer to him. I smiled into the kiss which cause Corbyn to also smile.

I pulled away slowly and Corbyn smiled at me. "What are you doing here?" he asked with excitement.

"To surprise you, you dork," I said sarcastically. He hugged me again tightly.

"I can't believe you're here," he mumbled.

"You better believe it, I'm here for a month," I replied. He pulled his head away in shock.

"A month?" he exclaimed.

"Yes a month."

"Oh my god I love you so much," he said quickly. He quickly covered his mouth and his eyes went wide as he realized what he said.

"Don't worry bean, I love you too," I said reassuringly. He smiled then kissed my forehead. "So, What are we doing first?"

Corbyn thought for a second then grabbed my hand and started running.

I can't wait for my future with this boy.


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