Check in - Jack Avery

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My mental health isn't very good, it has never been. I was suicidal by the age of 13 and I've suffered through depression all the way from age 9 until now, 19. I have anxiety and I'm always thinking about what other people think of me, and it makes life harder when I'm dating a pop star, Jack Avery. I love Jack with everything in me but I'm too afraid to come out to the public, I'm afraid of what they'll think of me.

"Hi love," Jack said as he sat down on the bed beside me. I closed my laptop exhausted from all of the school work I've been doing for the past few hours.

"Hi," I replied. He gently pecked my lips and smiled at me.

"Check in?" He asked. We have 'check ins' where Jack asks me about my mental health. If he asks around other people I answer and that answer minus 5 is my real answer, just so they don't think I'm crazy. But when we're alone, like right now, I just say my real answer.

"3," I answered quietly. He hugged me tightly and kissed my forehead.

"I'm so proud of you love," he mumbled.

"Why?" I asked.

"The last time I asked it was a 2, you're slowly getting better," he said and pulled away with a smile. I smiled slightly and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess so," I said with a relieved sigh.

"The boys and I are going out for dinner, want to come?" he asked with a smile.

"Sure," I replied. He got off the bed and pulled me off by my hands. He pulled me into him and hugged me.

"I'm proud of you love, I hope you know that," he whispered and kissed the top of my head. I cuddled my head into his hoodie that he had on and smiled.

"Yeah, I know," I replied. We pulled away and I quickly changed into leggings and a crop top, Jack changed into black ripped jeans and a blue t-shirt.

"Ready?" he asked. I took his hand into mine and smiled.

"Yup!" I answered. We walked downstairs and saw the other boys waiting for us. Jack and I let go of hands just in case if fans or photographers were around the house, and sure enough there were. We quickly got into Jack's car and he started driving to a small diner.

*at the diner*

I sat beside Jack and Corbyn, Corbyn and I were having a conversation about anything we could think of, I genuinely felt happy for once. I felt Jack rest his head on my shoulder and I turned around.

He smiled and kissed my cheek. There wasn't anyone in the diner but us so we could act like a couple.

I didn't even notice that other people came in until a teenage girl came up to us.

"You guys are Why Don't We right?" She asked. Jack quickly let go of my waist and nodded.

"That would be us!" he answered.

"And you're Y/n!" She said as she looked at me. I nodded and smiled. "Can I get a picture with you guys?"

"Of course!" Corbyn said. We all got out of our seats and we all got into a pose together. Her mom took the picture then we all sat back down.

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