Period - Zach Herron

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A/N I think I'm gunna make a period imagine for all of the boys


I woke up in my boyfriend, Zach's, bed and I saw a huge blood stain on the bedsheet. Zach's going to hate me. I quickly got out of bed and grabbed my change of clothes and a tampon that I brought.

I slipped into the bathroom and changed into the new clothes as well as put in a tampon.

I walked back out to see Zach changing the sheets with zero expression on his face. He saw me walk out and he looked at me then went back to changing the sheets. Tears ran down my face as I slid my back down the wall. I cried into my knees. I knew he'd hate me.

I heard Zach moving around then he came over and sat down beside me. He rubbed my back and pulled me close to him.

"Are you ok love?" he asked while rubbing my back.

"You're mad at me," I sobbed.

"No baby, I'm not mad, I promise. It's completely natural, it's not your fault," he soothed. He held me tighter and I cuddled my head into his neck.

"You promise you don't hate me?" I asked as I sniffled.

"I promise princess. Now how about we have a cuddle day that includes pizza and lots of junk food," he said. I pulled my head away and smiled at him.

"That sounds amazing," I replied. He placed a soft kiss on my lips then we stood up and walked towards the bed.

Just like he said, we had a cuddle day all day that included lots of movies, pizza, and junk food.


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