Perfect family - Zach Herron

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Requested by: messijessi88

 Jessi's POV "You ready Babe?" My boyfriend, Zach, called from the apartment door

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Jessi's POV
"You ready Babe?" My boyfriend, Zach, called from the apartment door.

"Coming!" I replied as I looked in he mirror one more time.

I walked down the hall to the front door where Zach was waiting in a suit and tie.

"You look beautiful," he complimented. I looked down at my royal blue long dress and smiled.

"Thank you, you look handsome," I replied.

"Thank you," he said then kissed me gently.

I smiled at him then he took my hand as we started to go to the parking garage to get the car.

*about half an hour later*

We arrived at our favourite restaurant, I got out of the car when Zach opened my door and I took his hand into mine.

"Thank you for bringing me here," I said with a smile as Zach opened the door for me.

"Your welcome baby," he replied.

We walked up to the front counter and the lady there smiled at us. "Reservation for Zach Herron," Zach said politely.

"Right this way," she replied as she grabbed two menus and started walking. Zach and I followed her, hand in hand, as she lead us to the back of the restaurant where there was a small table in the corner set up for us with candles.

"Aw baby, you got all of this?" I asked Zach.

"Of course," he replied with a smile. The waitress set the menus on the table then left.

Zach pulled my chair out for me and I sat down then he sat himself down across from me, I held his hand over the table and we smiled at each other.

"This really is amazing Zach, thank you," I said quietly.

"Your welcome baby. I was hoping that we could just get away from everything, fans, the boys, and all of our work and jobs, just the two of us for a few hours," he said.

"Thank you, we definitely need this," I replied.

"Yes we do."

*skip the boring eating part*

"Ready to go?" I asked Zach. He nodded and we stood up, but he grabbed my hand and kept me back. "Babe?" I asked with a small laugh. Zach smiled at me then went down on one knee, I covered my mouth with my free hand as tears filled my eyes.

Why Don't We imaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora