Season 4, Episode 6 - Glease (Redone)

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Cut to the choir room where the New Directions are all seated as Will took a deep breath knowing he had to reveal his departure to the club. "All right, guys, listen up. I have an announcement to make," Will said. "Adele is dead," Brittany said in a matter of fact tone as everyone shot her a look. "No. I have been asked to join a blue ribbon panel to rewrite the arts curriculum nationwide," Will smiled as the New Directions cheered for him. "Thank you. I'll be taking a short sabbatical, which means I'm leaving McKinley at the end of the week," Will said as the New Directions faces fell. "Wait what? This is crazy," Tina said. "But Glee Club is your life," Artie said confused. "Which is why this is only temporary. I'll be back right after sectionals," Will said honestly. "Wait after sectionals?!" Tina shouted outraged. "Whoa!" Sam said shocked. "I mean, it's not like we know him that well or anything," Unique shrugged to Jake and Marley. "Guys, guys, calm down. Look, I knew I needed to find a replacement, which is why I brought in Finn Hudson," Will said pointing towards Finn as everyone didn't look thrilled as Tina stood up. "Mr. Schue, Finn cannot take over Glee Club. He doesn't know what he's doing at all. Sorry, Finn," Tina frowned. "Guys, I know I can do this. And I've got some really great ideas for sectionals," Finn smiled a bit. "We'll all be dead by then!" Tina shouted as some of the others also showed their displeasure. "Tina..." Artie began. "Finn doesn't know how to direct a musical!" Tina shouted. "No, that's fine," Artie said. "No, we can't win without him," Brittany said. "Who's going to drive the bus?" Sugar asked as Sue then entered the choir room. "Finn Hudson, Schuester. Figgins' office, right now," Sue said narrowing her eyes at Finn and Will.

Cut to Figgins office as Will looks confused. "I-I don't even understand how you found out," Will said shaking his head. "Oh, William, I have the choir room bugged. That plaque with the dead fat lady on it her eyes are cameras," Sue smirked. "Okay, Sue, this is none of your business, and besides, I've already cleared this with Figgins, so, I don't see what the problem is," Will said shaking his head. "Will, of course, you don't, because this is just another one of your ill-conceived, bizarrely sentimental schemes that displays absolutely no forethought and appears immediately ridiculous to everyone in America except you. Finn Hudson barely graduated high school less than six months ago, he has no bachelor's degree, nor the certification to teach in the state of Ohio," Sue huffed. "Sue, Glee Club is not a class. It an extracurricular activity," Figgins said. "Which is why it is perfectly legal for Finn to volunteer his talents temporarily," Will said honestly. "I promise, this is the right thing to do. I can take this glee club to sectionals, and I know we can win. I'll work just as hard as Mr. Schue does, and do it all for free," Finn said as Figgins nodded approvingly as Sue narrowed her eyes "Okay, let me just remind everyone of something. For the past year, I have shown the glee club mercy, and this school has enjoyed an unprecedented era of peace, but if Bloaty the Gravy Clown is allowed to take over Glee Club, my dentant with the art in this school will be over," Sue exclaimed as she stormed out of Figgins office as Finn and Will exchanged concerned looks, knowing what Sue was like when against the Glee Club.

That afternoon Tina was trying to get Marley into her Sandy costume but was having an issue. "Okay, hold on and suck in..." Tina said. "I am," Marley frowned as she sighed "I don't understand. This fit yesterday." "Maybe it's stress bloating. I get it all the time," Tina suggested as Sugar and Brittany walked over. "Hey," Sugar grinned. "Tina. I love it so much. I promise I won't pee in it," Brittany said as Marley, Sugar, and Tina looked at each other as Kitty entered. "I'm here for my fitting. Where is Harajuku Girl?" Kitty smirked as Tina rolled her eyes. "I thought you quit because your part was too small," Sugar said. "Well, Spray Tan Hawk Nose, to quote Shakespeare, "There's no small parts, only fat actresses." Oh, I'm sorry. Did I just say "fat?" I was distracted by Marley's unfortunate and very noticeable weight gain," Kitty said as Brittany and Sugar both made faces, Marley looked fine to them. "I'm sorry are you playing the lead in Grease or Hairspray?" Kitty asked cattily. "No, Hairspray was the play last year. I was Penny," Brittany smiled innocently as Kitty shot her back a fake smile as Sugar took Brittany's hand and walked off with her. "I swear, I'm not eating any differently. How is this happening?" Marley frowned upset as we cut to Kitty using her sewing skills to make Marley's costume smaller as she smirks. "I usually don't believe in the lamestream media's definition of "science," but it just makes sense that your metabolism is grinding to a halt. You're getting the body you were destined to have. I had to accept how I am," Kitty shrugged as Marley looked upset "I spend almost every weekend alone because everyone just assumes that the popular girl's busy. I'm doing this play because I could use some friends. Real ones. So, in the spirit of Grease, I thought it would be good way for us to get to know each other, if we had a sleepover," Kitty smiled in a fake kind way. "Sleepover?" Sugar said all took excitedly. "Tomorrow night, my place. Just us girls," Kitty said. "Can I come?" Unique asked innocently as Marley quickly stood up for her. "I'm not going if Unique's not invited," Marley said. "Please?" Sugar begged. "Ladyboy can come," Kitty said as the others celebrated "But if I catch you hiding your dinky between your legs and prancing around like Silence of the Lambs, you're out." Unique just shot her back a fake smile as well as she turned to leave. She didn't like Kitty but wanted to make sure Marley would be okay.

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