Chapter 20

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Recap: "HazaBoo, you look cute the way your laying right now"

Harry's POV
As soon as I heard Niall's voice, my lips left his neck snapping up to look into his crystal blue eyes. As my eyes made contact with his, a hugh grin spread over my face. Niall then made the next move to speak up.

"What happened, while I was out?" He asked wrapping his left arm, around my waist.

"Well as soon as you passed out, Liam called out for their Guardians for help. And while Iclyn and myself were treating to your wounds," (I pointed to his right arm), "Liam, Louis, Zayn and their Guardians worked together to clean the house." I answered snuggling into his left side.

"Well I guess I owe you and Iclyn a giant thank you." Niall smiled down at me, pecking my forehead.

"Thank you, but please don't do that again, you scared the hell out of me." I added on making a pouty face.

"Aww sorry Hazzie, I'll try." Niall cooed.


Niall's POV
While talking with Harry the whole time my right arm was screaming out in pain, so I had to make sure not to make any faces or movement, to show I'm in pain.

"Do you want to try and get up?" Harry asked, sitting up in bed. "O-Okay" I managed to stammer out. Harry then fully lifted himself out of bed, to then walk around to my side. "Come on, lets try and just sitting up" Harry instructed and reached out placing his hands on my shoulders. Slowly with the help of Harry, I managed to sit up. But throughout trying to sit up, I made sure not to show any pain on my face.

"You okay, no pain?" Harry asked kneeling down to the side of me. "Yeah I'm fine, no pain" I answered leaning slightly on him. "Do you think you could stand? And walk down to the kitchen?" Harry asked. "Yeah think so, but my strength is fading quickly though" I sighed looking down. "Here" was all I heard before I felt two fingers pushing my chin up, and Harry's lips softly being placed on mine.

"Hmm.... Harry" I tried to say. Harry stopped my talking by kissing deeper, before pulling away. "Babe please, just take the strength you need until you can get some food. Please" Harry begged. "Haarrry" I wined. "Please just this one more time"

"Fine" I gave in. Harry then gave me a hugh smile, before leaning back in and placing his lips back on mine. While kissing Harry, I focused on drawing energy. I started to feel the small electrical sparks between our skin, before the feeling of energy running down through my veins. I pulled away before I took to much of Harry's energy, making him light headed. "Let's try again, shall we." Harry then asked lending out both of his hands. I just nodded before lifting my left hand, placing it into Harry's right. "Okay, on three. One. Two. Three" Harry counted down before slightly pulling on my hand, and lifting me up and out of bed. Standing up hurt like hell, but I wouldn't admit it to anyone. "Let's go" Harry convinced wrapping his arm around my waist, and leading me out the door down the stairs and into the kitchen.

As soon as we stepped into the kitchen, Iclyn came rushing over to us. "How are you feeling? Do you have enough energy to be standing? Is there any pain?" Iclyn rushed.

"Hay hay Iclyn calm down, and no there's no pain" I assured her. "Okay, sorry you just gave us a really big fright there mister" Iclyn joked placing her hands on her hips. "Haha yeah, sorry" I laughed back. "Harry do you mind walking me to the table, please" I asked looking up at him. "Sure" he agreed, and then started to make our way over to one of the chairs at the table.

"How are you feeling?" Liam asked as he made his way into the kitchen. "Will everyone please stop asking that, I'm fine" I answer while rolling my eyes. "Sorry" Liam chuckled putting his hands up in surrender.

"Well no offence bro, but we have a last second interview tonight, so we have to head for the studio soon, if we don't wont to be late." Zayn added leaning on the door frame into the kitchen.

"Dam okay, I should be healed enough by show time though, so we should be good." I promised. "Anyway have some breakfast" Harry suggested placing a plate of eggs and bacon down in front of me. "Thanks babe" I replied, smiling up at him. "Your welcome" Harry smiled leaning down to give me a peck on the lips, before digging into my breakfast one handed.

~~~~~~  Later in the morning  ~~~~~~

After breakfast, Harry helped me back up into my room before leaving me to change so we could leave for the studio.

After changing I had built up enough strength to walk myself back down the steps, where Harry meet me leading me out to the car. I fell back to asleep to gain more strength before having to sit for a couple of hours in a interview since this one was a live 5 hour interview.

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