Chapter 19

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Recap: I was awoken by a crash up stairs.

Niall's POV
'What the hell was that. It definitely couldn't of been one of the boys, since they are all down here.' I thought looking around to see the boys all still asleep. There was a walking sound from upstairs this time. 'Yeah that's definitely not one of the boys.' I gently turn and place Harry down on the couch, before standing and making my way over to the stairs.

I listen closely for any more noise. I guess whoever or whatever is up there has heard me, since all movement had stopped. I then gently lifted myself off the ground, so I won't make any noise going up the stairs. When I reach the top, I stayed floating  and crept along the hallway. I got to about Liam's room which was the second room from the stairs, when I heard another crash coming from Louis bedroom at the end of the hallway. I took off down the hallway, bursting through the door to find a demon looking through everything. It only took the demon a second before it turned and ran at me. I didn't have time to use any powers, before I was flung into the wall in the hallway.

The demon then made multiple attempts to punch me, but luckily I was able to dodge all of them. I then turned and kicked the demon in the stomach. He slightly fell backwards, giving me enough time to move away. I ran down the hallway enough to be able to turn around and shoot a ball of ice towards the figure. Unfortunately the demon managed to dodge the ice, and once again charged straight at me. When he connected with me, I got flung so far that I ended up falling down all the flights of stairs, landing on the floor with a loud thud.

I then heard four gasps. I quickly turned my head to see Liam, Louis, Zayn and Harry standing up against the back wall. Terror covering their faces. Anger started to fill my body, thinking that this monster is scaring the love of my life and three best friends.

I quickly look back up the stairs to see the demon, taking a runner to jump down the stairs. Just as the demon jumps I used all the angry fibres in my body, to shoot five giant icicles piercing the demon straight through the chest and head. When the icicles make contact with the being, he freezes and incinerates into nothing. Knowing the demon is now gone, I finally relaxed. But oh God that was a bad idea, because as soon as I relaxed I felt a burning feeling down the side of my arm with something dripping. I didn't even have time to look at my arm, when I heard another gasp, my name being called and black dots taking over my vision.

The next time I woke up, I felt myself laying on something soft.

"Niall?" A soft voice called out next to me. I tried to talk but all I got instead was a groan, since my throat felt so dry and sore.

"Hay hay, it's okay. Lay still your fine, your safe" the voice said. I groaned again turning my head towards the voice, fighting my eyes to open. But they never opened. I heard eight pair of footsteps enter the room I'm in. All of a sudden the bed dipped next to me, and felt a hand start running through my hair smoothly, calming me down straight away. Knowing who this is, I leaned into his hand that was brushing my hair allowing a small smile to creep onto my lips. "Hay Haz" I managed to crock out.

"Hay baby, how you feeling?" Harry asked, still running his fingers through my hair. "Sore" I answered back, my eyes still glued shut. "Here" another voice spoke. I then felt a cold object being pushed against my lips, with the feeling of water splashing against them. Not caring who was holding the cup, I parted my lips slightly to allow little bits of water to smooth out my throat. After feeling the cup being removed, I leaned back into the bed.

I felt a little itchy spot on the top of my head. I went to go lift my right hand, but when I tried I felt a shooting pain through my arm, causing me to groan out in pain and start to shuffle around. "Hay, Shh. It's okay, lay still" another voice said from the end of the bed. Having so many voices around me, I started to feel confused until I felt Harry's hand cup the side of my face, tracing light patterns on my cheek. Straight away I relaxed into his touch, a sigh of relief escaping my lips.

I heard light whispers around me but didn't care to listen to any of them, until I heard Harry's low voice next to my ear. "Babe can you open your eyes for me?" He asked, snuggling his head into the side of my neck. I used my left hand to rub my eyes in attempt to open them. But unfortunately once again they refused to open, so all I saw was darkness. I gently shook my head no, hearing Harry sigh, his head still snuggled into my neck. I heard whispers again but like the same as last time, I didn't bother to listen to any of them.

Harry's POV
"He only seems to be listening to Harry" Liam spoke up. "Liam's right, Harry can you ask Niall to try and open his eyes please" Iclyn asked, looking over at me from where she was seated next to the side of Niall's bed. I nod my head and looked from Iclyn down to my boyfriend, and snuggled my head into his neck before whispering into his ear.

"Babe can you open your eyes for me?" I ask snuggling more into his neck. Niall then lifts his left arm to rub his eyes, attempting to open them. But the look of frustration covering his face tells me everything. He then just shakes his head no, leaning back into my touch.

"Harry, you have to get him to open his eyes so he can start healing. Come on everybody let's go and give them some privacy." Iclyn explains, while herding everybody out of the room. She stops at the door and turns to face us. I look up towards Iclyn, returning the small smile giving her a nod for reassurance.

Once the door closes, I hear Niall whimper and start to shuffle around again. I quickly turn and wrap my arms carefully around him, stopping him from shuffling so he wouldn't hurt himself even more. As soon as my arms were wrapped around him, he relaxed into my hold pushing himself closer to me, resting his head in the crook of my neck. I gave his forehead a light peck before speaking.

"Baby could you please try and open your eyes again. If you do the pain will start to go away." I explain.

"Have.... No.... Strength" he slowly spoke.

Now knowing this I cup his face lifting it up a bit, out of the crook of my neck. Niall let's out another whimper from the loss of contact, but I quickly replace the lost contact with my lips softly pressing onto his. I feel Niall smile into the kiss, trying to deepen it but I wouldn't allow it. I kept the kiss slow and passionate, giving him some of my strength to open his eyes.

With my lips slowly moving over Niall's, I could feel the little electrical sparks running through me into him. After starting to feel a little drained I pull back leading my lips down to his neck. I then mumble into his neck, but clear enough for him to understand. "Babe can you try and open your eyes again now?"

I just sat there for awhile kissing down his neck leaving little purple marks every now and then, until I heard his soft Irish accent fill the room.

"HazaBoo, you look so cute in the way your lying right now"

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