Chapter 13

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Niall's POV

"Boys let's go" Paul clapped opening the front door. We all piled out the door, through the fans and into the van. Paul claimed the passenger seat. Liam and Zayn sat in the first row, Louis had the whole second row to himself, because I sat in the last row of seats when Harry came and joined me. It was a slow and quite trip to our first interview, with us all being tired from last nights adventures.

"Okay wakey wakey boys were here, now get your butts moving. Liam, Zayn you'll be walking through first then followed by Louis, and lastly Harry and Niall." Paul spoke climbing out of the van.

"HARRY" "NIALL" "WE LOVE YOU" was all I could hear as we walked through the fans. We got about halfway through when I felt someone grab my arm tightly holding on for dear life. At first I thought it was Harry, so I kept on walking. But as I got closer to the building the grip only got tighter. "And I thought I was the claustrophobic one" I mumbled under my breath, finally stepping into the studio.

Harry and I met up with the other boys out front of our dressing room, Harry announced that he was going to use the bathroom and wandered off without even asking where to go. I seemed to be the only one who noticed this but said nothing about it, even though my curiosity was telling me something wasn't right. I sight mentally before joining the other boys in the dressing room to get ready for the interview. But what was even stranger was when we walked in, Harry was already sitting down getting is hair done.

"Hay boys, what took you so long?" Harry asked looking up from his phone. "Sorry Haz got talking outside" Zayn answered like Harry never walked off to the bathroom a couple of seconds ago. 'WAIT if Harry just walk off a second ago, another Harry is in here! Great shapeshifter' I thought tensing up at the thought of such monster around the others without their powers and any knowledge. So I took my time to change clothes to purposely hide behind the clothes racks to send out a revealing snowflake to see if the Harry in this room is the real one. And to my relief the curly headed boy mucking around with Louis, is our Harry.

After I 'finish' changing, we all made our way towards the stage area. And luckily to my relief it's a live open interview with a crowd, so there wouldn't be a chance for the shapeshifter to attack anytime soon. We all took our seats with the interviewer, and got a signal that the cameras were now rolling.

(Interviewers and crowd in bold letters)

"Hello boys how are you?"

"We're very good thank you" Liam answers.

"That's good, now let's start with our first question, and just a reminder all these questions are from your fans. Who is single and who's taken?"

Harry and I both raise our hands indicating we're both single. And in return we got loud screams from the audience.

And that was how the rest of the interview went until we got to the crowds questions.

"Do any of you five boys have superpowers?"

When the boy asked that question, I looked up to see him eyeing me dead on. But thankfully Louis spoke up answering the question for me. Well all of us. But I couldn't help thinking everyone saw him death glaring straight at me.

"Well no, none of us have powers. But sometimes we all do wish we have powers, because that would be so cool if we did."

"To add onto that question, if you boys had to choose one power each what would it be?" The interviewer asked.

"EARTH!" Harry yelled followed by Louis.


"I don't know air?" Liam added on.

" telekinesis" Zayn said with a smirk on his face. All the boys then turned to look at me. "Well Niall?" Louis asked. "Um I'll have to go with water or ice" I answered, then turned my gaze to see the boy had now vanished somewhere in the studio. 'Great he's gone' I thought, 'I'll just have to make sure we all stay in one group'. Once the interview was over we headed back to the dressing room only find out that Simon had cleared the rest of our day, because of complications for our tour. So that's means we have a longer holiday until everything is back up and running.

But that means the boys are going to be held here with that shapeshifter ready to attack. And well I spoke to soon.

"AAAAAARRRRRRRR HELP" Louis screamed. "Where the hell is he!" Liam yells looking around madly. I run off towards were I heard Louis scream, Liam, Harry and Zayn hot on my heels. When I got to Louis a girl with black hair and unnatural blue eyes had Louis pinned to the wall, and claws to his neck.

I sprinted up to them, grabbing the girl by her neck and smashing her into the other wall. All hell breaks loose. At first she manages to shift into a wolf and charge towards us, but I shoot icicles at her slowing her down enough to trap the girl in a cage of ice. I didn't even dare to look at the other boys, because I could sense the fear dripping off of them. I have no choice but to make a doorway into the cage, we're she is now held down by ice covering her legs and wrists to stop her from moving, then ending her life before she could do anymore damage. It breaks my heart having to do this, but I would take one life then thousands.

After this is done, I grab all the boys hands and pull them into the dressing room, freezing the door shut so they can't run away.

It takes me a good half hour to clean up the mess from the fight, but I manage to clear everything without anyone seeing. Now the hard part. Dealing with the boys.

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