Chapter 11

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Niall's Pov

"Finally you guys are awake!" Zayn pointed out. I just rolled my eyes and started to walk over to the table where the other three boys where sitting. As I started to move I realised I was pulling something along, I stopped and turned around to see Harry standing right behind me. I looked down and saw that our hands were still intertwined. I sighed mentally and kept walking, sitting down next to Louis at the same time pulling Harry into my lap. I received weird looks from the others, but I shook my head indicating I'll talk later. Harry just once again curled up into my chest while I sat and ate.

"Harry you've got to eat something" I tried again, just receiving a slow shake from his head. I sighed out loud and offed one last time. "Harry if you won't eat by yourself, do you want me to feed you then" I asked. "F-fine" is all I got in return while he lifted his head a little to rest in the crook of my neck. The other boys had left the kitchen not to long ago leaving a plate for Harry next to me, so I reached out pulling it closer to me using a fork to feed him. Minutes passed of sitting here feeding Harry when he finally finished. I went to stand up and put Harry down, but he wrapped his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I let go of him since he had a strong grip and picked up our plates placing them into the sink. I continued to proceed into the living room and sat down on one of the couch's, with Harry now fully wrapped around me.

"Hay, boys want to watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure" "Okay" "Fine by me" all the boys answered. "Want do you want to watch?" Liam asked opening Netflix on the TV. "Haz what do you want to watch?" I asked looking down at the curly lad curled up around me. "Anything" he mumbled into my chest. "Lets watch Harry potter!" Louis jumped, grabbing the remote from Liam selecting Harry potter.

So that's how we spent the rest of the day, watching movies.

~~~~ Late afternoon ~~~~

I looked up to see the clock on the wall. 'Crap 4:00 how did it get so late' I thought. Zayn and Liam we're sharing one of the couch's across from Harry and I with Louis sprawled out over the living room floor. I looked down to see Harry was now curled up beside me, fast asleep.

"Guys I think we're going to turn in for the night" I whispered. "Okay, you need help with Harry?" Liam asked looking over at us eyeing our position. "Nar it's okay, he's light as a feather" I lightly giggled. WAIT WHAT I just giggled what the f*ck. I picked Harry up from the couch laying him down on my lap, before standing up and making my way towards my room. I decided to have Harry in my room tonight because I didn't want what happened last night to replay, even if I couldn't go out to fly or use my powers. I walked into my room closing the door with my foot. I then walked up to my bed laying Harry gently on the mattress. "sleep tight" I whispered, covering him with the blanket. 'Maybe I could go for a quick fly' I thought, 'and if anyone asks where I went I could say I went for a walk. Yes that will do'. So with that thought I crept down the stairs towards the back door, that leads into a hugh oval back yard then into the forest.

I had just walked out into the forest, when I heard a quiet voice call out my name. "Pist Niall, is that you? Niall Horan?" I heard a female voice. "Um yes, can I ask who and where you are?" I ask looking around to see if I can spot anyone. A teenage looking girl came out of the shrubs towards me. "Hi I'm Melissa" She spoke reaching out her hand. "Hi Melissa" I answered, "what are you doing out here?" She asked. "Um.... I came out for a walk" I stuttered. "mhm, sure you were, anyways I'm a fan and I'm going to say sorry for spying on you boys from out the back, it was just that there's too many fans out front and I get scarred in small packed spaces...." she trailed on. "Haha it's okay, and it's fine you weren't coursing any harm." "Okay that's good then."

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